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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. does anyone want to pick me up so i can go to this?
  2. no hard feelings mate... i still think u drive like a tool sometimes though (from what i read... have only ever seen you once in person and you snobbed me... )
  3. FOCKERS!!!!! i need more alcohol i only had 1/2 a bottle of vodka left and i've finished that off already... oh, and i need a bitch...
  4. i have the nipple there on my RB25 turbo (purely because its on an R32 and i had the hole drilled and the nipple fitted, as the 'cooler piping doesn't have the provision for the boost feed, and its more accurate/quicker at the turbo)
  5. hey Dave, did you try that place that i gave you the contact details for? any luck?
  6. Morning fockers! one of the bad things about nightshift... it stuffs up your perception of time.... i had yesterday/today/tomorrow off... i went to bed at 10am yesterday, slept through til 9pm last night, then went back to bed at 3am this morning and got up at 7am (so i could have a 'normal' weekend) and now my perception of time is way off..... and when i'm working i usually forget its like 3am, and when i call someone to send them out on a job wonder why they're asleep, haha
  7. Oh yeah, here's a pic of mine
  8. i can see your problem... you have the return hose right down on the return pipe... move it so that there is just enough to hold it on with a hose clamp and it will fit at both ends.... other than that yours is on a gay angle
  9. And whats to say you're not a cop, trawling for the new hangout spots? if you are, feel free to defect people at Aspley Maccas, Milton Maccas, the new Maccas at Warner, but you would already know about all those spots
  10. um... i think he was implying that they have already been defected/towed away
  11. so are you looking for drivers? or cars with drivers to enter the series?
  12. i'm happy to bring them down to you to balance
  13. well, i just looked at the weights on the tyres then... they read like this: Wheel 1: 2 x 15g Wheel 2: 1 x 30g, 1 x 15g Wheel 3: 2 x 10g Wheel 4 (that we identified as having the hop in it): 1 x 10g, 1 x 20g I'm not driving the car with these rims/tyres every day... they're being used solely for track work (i.e. not very often at all)... so hopefully it won't come to the point of wearing shocks etc.... realistically, i should feel the car shaking before it comes to that anyway, shouldn't I? I guess if it is shaking more than just a little bit i'll probably just put my street tyres back on in place or something I got myself 4 x second hand (good condition) Bridgestone RE55s in SR compound (according to this diagram, the 'hardest')
  14. *laughs uncontrollably* i wouldn't touch them with a 60 foot bargepole how can creating a restriction in the inlet be BETTER for performance?
  15. fair enough.... have a look at some of the components they use though, as they seem to work well together, and perhaps order them and fit them yourself or something?
  16. 80k AUS...? i would be like this guy ---> i would send the car over to MINES in JP and say "Gimme the works... and i want fries with that..."
  17. sorry... what is the question? is it "what should i do to get to these power levels"? P.S. welcome!
  18. sux2beu
  19. 1) i suggest you get your speedo fixed 2) your sense of time must be seriously warped dude (but also relates to #1... get your speedo fixed)
  20. do you have any better pics? any wording on the other side etc?
  21. I have a set of standard R32 GTS-t rims that i am using for my track tyres (so will see some high speeds). I found out the other day that one of them has a slight 'hop' or buckle in it from some time in the past... not much, its out of round at one point by a couple of mm. now, the tyre shop that mounted the tyres to the rims (yesterday) and did a balance, claim that they were able to balance the wheel with the buckle/hop to within 4 grams, and the other 3 wheels to within 1 or 0 grams. They say that their usual tolerance is 7 grams, and that with the balance being that good, that i wouldn't even notice the hop/buckle... what are your thoughts on this?
  22. thanks for that... i put my tyres on the rims yesterday, and the tyre shop claims that they were able to balance most of it out (balanced to within 4 grams on the one with the buckle/hop and 1 or 0 grams on the rest... their acceptable tolerance is apparently 7 grams) so i will see how it goes i guess.....
  23. and also, they say 'no speed limits' yet funnily enough i've heard that you can still get fined for excessive speed... its up to the officers discretion as to what is acceptable or not... whatever the case, 240kph is f**king rediculous to be doing on public roads
  24. are you sure about that? i thought it was only NT?
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