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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. yeah, thats exactly the same translation as i got through Google, Pear also found this... dunno if its too small or whatever though: http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n42045660 p.s. - yes, i'm bored at work, and am looking for new turbos
  2. Just browsing through Yahoo auctions, and came across this.... http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g44147086 Is anyone able to decipher what it says? I've used google translater, and have got the basic gist of what it is, but there's a couple of things i'm not too sure on.... such as condition etc "As for abnormal play of the axis you think that it is inside the scope of supply." also, can anyone make out what flange it is for? I'm guessing T3 as its listed as a a turbo for RB20
  3. Raz0r$harP, what other work is done to the engine, other than the turbo??
  4. i owe you a coke
  5. Mmmmmm still feeling full from that nice STEAK lunch! i think we found a new place for SAU meets
  6. *subscribes* i don't mind "Annual Skyline Cruise"
  7. anyway... steak is calling...
  8. No, but i'm happy to take you to lunch? :sorcerer:
  9. okay.... i will be in getting ready.... so SMS me what is happenin... ph # comin ur way via PM
  10. well, i'm gonna go get ready to head out while we're waiting for him to follow his stomach to this thread
  11. p.s. i had hogs breath steak last night.... 'twas nice
  12. just yell STEAK and he will be here in a flash
  13. hrm.... why does col always get all the love
  14. yeah, why not.... then i shall come home and hibernate for the rest of the afternoon
  15. gee, thanks for askin me, bitch
  16. i'm freezing my ass off here.... i guess i should turn the aircon up warmer
  17. :Roflupagus!:
  18. Thorpie Says Binary is Fullee Siik!
  19. my back hurts i'm looking to start working in a new field too.... don't know how i go about finding out what qualifications are needed though..... any ideas?
  20. with my old VK commodore we just ran a 50/50 mix of water/metho through the carby to de-coke the engine
  21. smooth Col... smooth
  22. Have car... will travel! anyway, flights are cheap as chips these days....
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