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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. hrm... hook a guy up, andy and anna
  2. Interested in swapping for a Series IV RX7 Turbo?
  3. no, they don't have the power to permanently confiscate the car, only the judge does, but they do have the power to kick the driver out of the car and have it towed to the impound yard until the case is heard in court.
  4. 45ULT - Would prefer to sell the R32 wheels as a set of 4, but would consider selling 2 for $175 Engage - The turbo sounds a bit like a supercharger with gilmer drives
  5. morning
  6. does it come with sensor in working condition?
  7. agreed benm... i want in on this single chick skyline-owner dating service "I wish to subscribe to your newsletter/publication"
  8. AzzurrA

    Lets Get Along

    awww, you know i lub j00, marky mark! p.s. what ever happened to the funky bunch?
  9. lol... what else is there to do at a bucks party? anyway, i am going to bed, night all!
  10. You don't have to have a skyline to be a member of the club... and come along to dinner, its not that bad... ask half the people here, i'm not the most sociable person around... so we can both be anti-social at dinner
  11. yep, i'm Jason
  12. Hi Lee
  13. Take it somewhere else
  14. Take it somewhere else
  15. you can talk to me, Lee... i'm still here... don't finish work until 7am.... lol or if you want to talk to other night-owls, there's a couple of nightshifters that hang out in NSW Whoretown
  16. can't say i've run them, but i do run the DS2500's... WAAAAY overkill for a street car.... but thats the way i like it
  17. seeing as you continually keep reposting the thread, with no asking price listed, even though you have been asked to post a price in the previous 4 threads that you've started in the last week and a bit for the same items, i offer you $100, (and that offer includes them delivered to my door) Take it or leave it.
  18. i am pretty much in!!... Big Norman sounds good... though i have to leave room for much alcohol afterwards, as i believe i am going out (possibly)
  19. its the same principle of me sitting in my driveway and doing a big smoking burnout.... cops could be sitting out the front of the house watching, but they wouldn't be able to come in and actually do anything (from what i understand, anyway, don't take this as gospely) due to it being performed on public property.... well, they could probably ask you to stop, due to noise/smoke pollution, but i believe it would then be up to the EPA to fine you for the noise/smoke, not the police...
  20. while he sounds like a Knob, you would have to question whether the police could actually 'fine' him for that, due to it not being on public roads, therefore it is no longer goverened under the road rules....
  21. hrm... Hypothetical Question: Which of the below two would be better? I'm guessing the HKS one would flow more? HKS High Power Exhaust (Silent) (95mm piping, 120mm tip) for $848.86 (Delivered) or Trust Power Extreme 2 (80mm piping, 115mm tip) for $822.37 (Delivered) both from Nengun....
  22. Also interested in: Does it include the sensor? Any clearer pics at all?
  23. you didn't mention an upgraded fuel pump in your list of mods... have you looked at that?
  24. how much are they? also, how well do they flow?
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