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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. not on the Gold Coast, but i can recommend Dan @ Elite Racing Developments... he's on the southside of Brisbane his username on here ie 3lit3 32
  2. fark me dead.... i haven't read all this thread... i quickly skimmed over the posts and was dumbfounded with all the mis-information and people who generally have no idea.... there are some good detailing forums around, i suggest some of you guys have a read of them! www.autopia.org is a good one to start off with! i'll be going out and buying a some new products etc in the next couple of days, and will detail my car, then post pics for you guys.... in the meantime, here is a pic of my brothers car that i did (by hand) 1986 model with factory paint... to get it to that stage, i used (in this order): Meguiars NXT Tech Wash Mothers Quik Clay Meguiars Mirror Glaze Fine Cut Cleaner #2 Meguiars Mirror Glaze Swirl Remover 2.0 #9 Meguiars Mirror Glaze Showcar Glaze #7 Meguiars NXT Tech Wax good products, but there are better out there, for similar money.
  3. went for a drive up Mt Glorious and Mt Nebo this morning with a few friends, with the intention of just having a leisurely cruise, some breakfast at the top etc. anyway, went up through Samford, that was all cool, turned left then went into the town of Mt Nebo itself, had breakfast at a little Cafe there (yum yum!) after that, it was about 10am, so we decided to turn around and head up to the top of Mt Glorious to the lookouts... Just after the T-intersection with the road from Samford, there were roadwork signs everywhere, and lane closed signs, which i thought was weird, seeing as it is 1-way each way.... anyway, come around the corner, and there's about 20 bike police, a big booze bus etc, they've got the whole road blocked off, and are doing license checks and RBT's... I have no problem with this, infact, i think its great... anyway, got through there without any hassles, and kept heading up to the town of Mt Glorious itself... stopped in town for a chat, and kept going on to the lookouts. as soon as we got into the rainforest on the other side of Mt Glorious Village, we knew something was up... there were all these stones sticking to the tyres etc, making the road very, very slippery, and there were more roadwork, and slippery surface signs, along with 40 and 60kph signs (80kph zone) we continued a little further, until we couldn't bear it any more, as we couldn't drive above 40kph, the wheel arches/panels etc were copping a beating from all the stones... then we looked around where we had pulled over and realised what was going on.... The Government/Council/Police/Someone has got gravel, that is covered in tar, to make it sticky (roadbase), and spread it all over the road... it must have taken forever, as it went on for km after km. There were piles of gravel covered by tarps where we had pulled over... no doubt there were more down the road too.... I can see their reasoning, in that they want people to slow down up there, but are they f**king insane? The road surface was so slippery with all the loose rocks, its not funny... anything above about 40 or 50kph and the underbody and panels etc just got annihilated with rocks. great safety initiative guys... NOT what if someone comes into a corner a little quicker than 50kph (as i said, signposted 80kph zone) and doesn't realise the road is covered in gravel? Say buh-bye to whoever that was, as they just ran out of black stuff, and now have to hope the green stuff stops them from going down the big dropoff.... what about all the bikers that go up there? This is just an accident waiting to happen.... sorry, thats my vent for the moment
  4. Gary... oh Gary.... where for art thou Gary?
  5. w00t!
  6. Sydneykid, feel free to PM me your honest opinion
  7. Paul, I attended a Total Driver trackday at Lakeside recently, and lets just say that the noise levels that have been put in place by the council are fairly strict.... there are certain parts of the circuit where it has been patched that the tyres squeel on when you drive over them, and lets just say, we were given strict instructions that basically any tyre noise = end of racing for you... also, cars with pretty much any louder than stock exhausts were a no-go....
  8. their specialty is chicken... you can get lots of chicken stuff... they do great burgers too!
  9. just looking at the wording of some of those statements... it doesn't appear to be 'if' they take on a new manager for the facility, as was the case a few months back, but 'when' this can only be good news, i guess?
  10. question: where do you guys access in behind the rear 1/4 panels? do you go in through the boot? or can you access them by taking the interior trim off as well?
  11. or meeeeeeeeeee?
  12. they're scared of you....
  13. more than you can afford pal.... ferra.... um... Mitsubishi!
  14. Just like the original post
  15. and you wonder why skyline drivers, and import drivers in general get a bad name, when you get people with no f**king idea, like this guy, racing. take it to the track, before you lose your car, or worse, kill someone else through your sheer stupidity.
  16. In like Flynn
  17. Hi, am looking for 2 x R32 GTR rims to run on the rear of my GTS-t for trackdays. if anyone is able to help me out, it would be muchly appreciated Jason
  18. Top Work mate! lovely looking ride
  19. sweet ride! how much are you looking for? (or did i miss that?) also, where did you get the wheels from?
  20. indeed
  21. Here is the Article in the Courier Mail: and my reply: (it hasn't been sumitted yet, so if you feel anything should be added or changed, feel free to post your thoughts)
  22. hrm, where are hardcore and godzilla?
  23. spotted a black '32 GTSt with no rear wing at the lights at the beams road/gympie road intersection. i was 2 cars behind you and to the left... tried to get up beside you to wave, but the poobox in front of me took off slower than a snail when the lights went green, and then proceded to drive at 20kph under the speed limit....
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