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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. mad082... i fail to see how having a partition (like what i have in my car) between the engine bay and the pod is restricting the airflow? my pod has space 360 degrees around it, and a clear pathway straight to the cold air coming in around the headlight. you can notice the difference with the partition there... without it there, you go for a hard drive, and then touch the pod - its warm/hot... with the partition in place if you do the same thing, the pod is cold, often very much so. the partition is stopping the radiated heat from the engine bay (and intercooler pipes, as i'm using modified standard cooler pipes)
  2. i feel sorry for her!!?!?!
  3. AzzurrA


    or how about a track day daveo?
  4. i know it sounds a bit silly, but does it sound like someone has a can full of little rocks and are shaking it? if so, it could be detonation? (bought on by the cooler temperatures at night)
  5. haha tackleberry != jim berry
  6. it sounds like it might be a possibility... give it a try with the greasing up of the slide pins, if it goes away, then it was a cheap fix... if it doesn't, u know its not that i had a similar noise (the same noise?) as what you're describing in my 32 and that's what it was.
  7. if the synchro is gone, tell him how to learn to drive properly (i.e. flat shift on upchange, revmatch on downchange etc) i've found with my box (it has dodgey synchros too i'm pretty sure, hence the crunching into gears at high revs/notchiness) that if i revmatch on downchange, it slots into gear nicely 99% of the time...
  8. it could be a number of things... blocked radiator, air pocket trapped in the system, faulty thermostat, etc.. a way you can check for a blocked radiator - disconnect both hoses from the radiator and put your garden hose in the top connection. Is the water filling up inside and then coming back out the top? is there any water coming out the bottom connection? if so, is it the same amount as you're putting in? did you bleed the air out of the system at the plenum? are you losing any coolant? to give you an idea of prices, i had my radiator professionally cleaned and rebuilt for around $250, that included new end tanks.
  9. put a light coating of graphite powder or a high-temp grease on the slide pins for the brake pads.... the noise should go away
  10. subscribed!!! this is great news if we can get a non-oem sender!
  11. kralster, what the hell are you on about mate? and thats a rather big call, seeing as we have a fair few people on here who actively compete in racing (the legal, organised kind) etc
  12. we established that a while back
  13. AzzurrA


    it sounds like driving a cefiro is like having a fat chick.... they're fun when you're drunk and don't know any better, and as long as your friends don't find out!
  14. if you can wait until monday or tuesday next week for an answer, i can tell you? i have a 200,000km old gearbox, and am putting some redline lightweight shockproof into it on Sunday... currently the gearbox is very notchy, and will crunch if you do a quick change high in the revs. Also whines a bit. I'm hoping with the Redline oil, it will quieten down a bit and make changes a bit easier! my diff also single-wheels alot, and whines like a bitch, as its just as old, and i am putting some Motul Gear300 into that to see how that goes... i'm not expecting it to fix it singlewheeling, though i'm hoping it might quieten it down a bit.
  15. seems that my email itself had died in the arse this morning, and all the notifications came through just then :S
  16. hey, my rear tyres were being cut by the guards before i rolled them (had about 300kg worth of stuff in the boot, and 4 passengers, on stock suspension, so it was sagging a farkload) so i pulled the rear wheels off, bashed the inner lip of the guard up flush on the inside (even flared the guards a tiny bit) and it turned out fine!!!!! wouldn't recommend it on a skyline though mind you, this is in the middle of nowhere (Torbanlea, which is halfway between Maryborough and Bundaberg)
  17. this thread needs more cowbell... edit: You might be better posting this on Ausrotary, Nissansilvia, Hot 4's etc... not that many people here would really read the magazine or care enough about it to sign the petition.
  18. haha @ Angie!
  19. i've seen a similar thing before with my friends S14a 200sx (not wanting to go after installing a pod filter) are you running more boost than standard? the reason i ask, is we tracked the problem with his down to the rubber inlet pipe between the AFM and turbo heating up, and getting soft, then with the added restriction (compared to the stock panel filter) of the pod, it was sucking the rubber inlet pipe closed and limiting the airflow, hence limiting power.
  20. no worries... i'll be out there in the afternoon session i think
  21. you're kidding me, right? by the time you HEAR detonation with your ears (without the use of headphones) its usually too late and the damage has already been done. also, why is it that it is easier to hear detonation when you're standing outside the shed where the run is being performed, than when you're standing next to the engine with your head in the engine bay? The answer is outside the shed you don't have the sound of the engine/dyno/other noises to contend with. there was a good demonstration of this at the SAU Dyno night a while back... everyone standing outside the workshop at allstar could hear that the car on the dyno was detonating, but nobody inside the shed really noticed due to the amount of ambient noise. with headphones, you can pick up even the slightest traces of knock, LONG before you can hear them with your ears....
  22. intruder alert!!!! ^^^
  23. *sigh* finally managed to get a hold of him... hes busy until next week :
  24. Is email notification not working for anyone else this morning? or is it just me?
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