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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. i rolled the guards on my VK Commo wagon on the side of the road with a hammer? turned out mint HTH
  2. Hi All, is there another number i can contact Matty Spry on, other than the mobile number that is listed for P.I.T.S. in the white pages? does he have a landline or anything? The reason i ask is i've been trying him on his mobile, but he's not answering, and it doesn't even give me the option of leaving a message i'm only wanting to run the car up on the dyno to check AFR's, and get someone to listen for detonation (properly, with headphones, not with some lackey with his head under the bonnet like alot of workshops seem to do, thats if they even bother to listen for detonation at all)
  3. i have a GReddy Type S on mine... i run it in plumb-back, so it works exactly the same as the stock BOV... doesn't run richer etc. i don't get much backfiring, unless i really heat the exhaust up (am on boost for a long time)
  4. his gratitude?
  5. yeah, for sure, because having used the standard kit lens for the last year wouldn't have anything to do with my opinions at all? I wouldn't know what it can/can't do, or how it reacts in certain situations etc? don't get me wrong, i'm not having a go at you, i just want better quality shots than what the standard lens can offer.
  6. damn, that looks good
  7. the kit lens is ass its a bit of a jack of all trades, master of none, and even then its not that good at what it does...
  8. Okay everyone, Monday the 24th is good to go (next mon) Two sessions: 8:30am to 12:30pm, and 1pm to 5pm Cost is only $100 per person per session (you can stay for both if you want, there may be a discount depending on how full the sessions are) and there is a limit of 20 people per group. Cars don't have to be registered but will be scrutineered for very basic things like tyre wear, battery secured, no oil and fluid leaks....that's about it. There aren't any noise restrictions as such, but use your better judgement as to what will constitute 'too much noise' as you will be given a warning and chance to remedy the situation or be kicked off the track. Put simply, open pipes would = no good. Expressions of interest here first, then by wednesday I will give booking and payment details. Who's up for some fun? Link to original thread here: http://www.performanceforums.com/forums/sh....php?t=67205233 note: i am not organising this, someone else is, but i thought i'd share the information with you guys
  9. Happy birthday mate!
  10. Morning all zOMG! Nova just played November Rain!!! w00t!
  11. AzzurrA


  12. AzzurrA


    Dave, there's still 1 (though i've heard rumours of a 2nd one still being around) in Brisbane (well, the one that's definitely around is at Yatala)
  13. he's saying he connected the battery reverse polarity
  14. and there will be no "running amok"
  15. well, i currently own a 300D, and have been using the standard kit lens for about a year now, and i think it is a piece of crap, to be honest... (though, from reading some peoples opinions on it, i'm sure you didn't need to be reminded) i find that it has a really soft focus, is slow, and doesn't deliver a very good image at all. I don't use the camera that much, but i'm looking to change that, so i am looking at getting a couple of lenses. Now, the uses of the camera are: General walk-around (at carshows, etc) some portraits style work and also like shooting landscapes. i don't have an overly huge budget to spend, so i'm probably going to have to look at 2nd hand stuff, but if you could recommend some lenses that would suit my criteria, that would be great. i'm pretty sure i'll get a 50mm F/1.8 lens, as they're so cheap, and i hear many good things about them... would this be a good choice for my style? (sorry, like i said, i haven't used the camera much, and i'm still learning what everything means) muchly appreciated Jason
  16. Well, i've owned my 300D for around a year now, and am wanting to start using it a lot more, and improving my skills, so i was thinking i might sign myself up for some lessons/courses in photography (because i'm not even going to pretend i'm half good at it )... does anyone have any that they would recommend? (I'm in the Brisbane area) even some online tutorials to read through or something would be great! Thanks!
  17. lol, thanks col... i was just looking at the rear bar the other day and thinking "hrm, that looks pretty boring" i've got so many great ideas for the car, but no money to do them does anyone want to donate to the "Help the AzzurrA fund"?
  18. any idea of how old they are, or if they've gone off etc?
  19. Hi all, I'm thinking i might upgrade the rear bar on my R32 GTS-t (i'm going to put a GTR Front bar with N1 slots back on the front, like it originally had, for better cooling) and was wondering if you guys know of any decent rear bars? I really like the look of the Do-Luck Type 2 rear bars for both the GTR and the GTS-t (the diffuser looking rear bars) but i realise they are pretty much not available in australia, and as such, am just looking for something that would be similar... anyone have any ideas? i don't like the big chunky 'drift' bodykits like Uras or Vertex etc, just something that would compliment the car nicely.. some examples: Do-Luck Type 2 R32 GTR Rear Bar Do-Luck Type 2 R32 GTS-t Rear Bar
  20. sounds good!... just down the road from me too! might have to get my arse in gear and get my new rims and front bar (and possibly rear too)
  21. AzzurrA


    plus for a coupe? having hot chicks in short skirts trying to climb into or out of the rear
  22. so in other words you'll actually have less pad in contact with the disc than you would if you had standard rotors/caliper mountings?
  23. what's scary, is i actually wouldn't mind one
  24. hrm, well, i know the Mazda 3 MPS has a better power/weight ratio than an R33... i think it weighs in at approx 1350 - 1400kg and has approx 190kw, and a shiteload of torque (close to 400nm at low revs) is definitely going to be a quick little car.
  25. no worries! thanks for that, will definitely be something i keep in mind if/when i upgrade my brakes again
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