well, i currently own a 300D, and have been using the standard kit lens for about a year now, and i think it is a piece of crap, to be honest... (though, from reading some peoples opinions on it, i'm sure you didn't need to be reminded)
i find that it has a really soft focus, is slow, and doesn't deliver a very good image at all.
I don't use the camera that much, but i'm looking to change that, so i am looking at getting a couple of lenses.
Now, the uses of the camera are:
General walk-around (at carshows, etc)
some portraits style work
and also like shooting landscapes.
i don't have an overly huge budget to spend, so i'm probably going to have to look at 2nd hand stuff, but if you could recommend some lenses that would suit my criteria, that would be great.
i'm pretty sure i'll get a 50mm F/1.8 lens, as they're so cheap, and i hear many good things about them... would this be a good choice for my style? (sorry, like i said, i haven't used the camera much, and i'm still learning what everything means)
muchly appreciated