Before everyone says "do a search" - i have, couldn't really find much useful info.
What are everyone's opinions of Mitsubishi FTO's?
The reason i ask, is my brother currently has a series IV RX7, and as he only has a part-time job, the servicing/fuel bills are sending/keeping him broke.
I want him to step 'down' into something a bit slower, but also newer/more comfort etc, more reliable, and something that is going to be easily serviced.
Been looking around online, FTO's seem to be an okay choice, i mean, look good, sound phenomenal, aren't OVERLY slow, seem to handle okay etc, just wondering what everyone else's opinions of them are?
he will have around 12 - 14k to play with, so if you can think of any other cars in that price range that meet those criteria, please, post them up