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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. i remember last time i was up there, there was a white '33 GTS-t out near childers that had a (blonde) chick driving? pink number plates? she a local up there?
  2. dunno, thats why i want him to drive one
  3. you'll see me around up around Hervey Bay and Maryborough from time to time. oh, and don't be too offended by Nismogirl locking your other thread... it happens
  4. nothing wrong with FWD... and yes, they have an absolutely astounding exhaust note... almost to the point where you need a box of tissues when a nice one drives past they sound like an F1 car, hehe
  5. i'd read the first one, but not the 2nd one, and yes, i'm cruising around on FTOAustralia at the moment
  6. Afternoon, Before everyone says "do a search" - i have, couldn't really find much useful info. What are everyone's opinions of Mitsubishi FTO's? The reason i ask, is my brother currently has a series IV RX7, and as he only has a part-time job, the servicing/fuel bills are sending/keeping him broke. I want him to step 'down' into something a bit slower, but also newer/more comfort etc, more reliable, and something that is going to be easily serviced. Been looking around online, FTO's seem to be an okay choice, i mean, look good, sound phenomenal, aren't OVERLY slow, seem to handle okay etc, just wondering what everyone else's opinions of them are? he will have around 12 - 14k to play with, so if you can think of any other cars in that price range that meet those criteria, please, post them up Jason
  7. Here's one i found laying around on my computer.
  8. Still for sale, just re-registered for 6 months
  9. best of luck to everyone attending this... unfortunately i can't make it (again) one of these days....
  10. hrm, i'm fairly interested in the 'box. where in northern NSW are you located? (i would have to drive down from Brisbane to get it if i was to buy it)
  11. looks like i won't be making it out any more... i have had a front-left wheel bearing become suspect in the last few dayd, and i don't want to risk it i am not the happiest camper at the moment!
  12. best of luck guys... i'm sure he'll get better!
  13. not all... some i've seen only weigh 3 or 4kg by comparison, i think mine would be closer to 15 to 20kg
  14. anyone know of any physically small/lightweight batteries that would be fine to start/run an RB20 with? the reason i ask is i have a huge 550CCA century battery, and the thing weighs a ton and is physically huge...
  15. and its people with no clue as to their rights and the law (like you) who keep supplying the gumbyment with money by paying these bullshit defects
  16. when you say the gearbox was rebuilt, do you remember exactly what was changed/reconditioned etc?
  17. i'm going to be painting my spare set of R32 GTS-t rims black... car is white... should look good! here's the same combination on a S13...
  18. spit roast is good food.... does anyone in brisbane sell anything like that? hopefully woodfired????
  19. any idea if a bottle will fill an R32 GTS-t box? i'm pretty sure it will, but i'm at work, and don't have the ability to research those facts here put me down as being interested in this, would have to be posted to Brisbane
  20. steeeeeeeaaaaaaak????? did someone say..... steeeeeeaaaaak?????!!! *nods*
  21. i was contemplating entering, but never got around to it... event details here: http://www.wheelsonwidebay.com/
  22. what sort of boost are you running? you could be hitting rich&retard? when it does it, does the car sort of jerk around a bit? after it fixes itself, is there a big plume of smoke behind the car? need a bit more info if possible
  23. still hungry? shoulda had what i had, bish! Double breast fillet burger, with egg, bacon, pineapple, cheese... "Use the force Luke!"
  24. wasn't a bad burger actually! nice food, good company, would recommend this trader... A++++
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