pads are ferodo DS2500's front and rear...
nah, didn't get the calipers rebuilt, however, we tested them when we had the pads out... all the pistons are moving freely and working correctly etc, dust boots seemed fine. so we didn't see any need to rebuild them.
i now have another problem, that i am getting very stressed about, due to there being a track day on saturday that i REALLY want to make it to....
there is a noise coming from what seems to be the front left wheel.
at first i thought it might be a stone in the tyre - nope.
what it sounds like, is a 'plasticky-sounding' clicking/whirring/grinding noise that increases/decreases with wheel revolution, only seems to start once the car has warmed up (i.e. doesn't do it first thing in the morning).
I dropped into my suspension place on the way to work this morning, and he seemed to think everything is fine, and that its just a high spot in the pad or rotor that rubs at a certain point....
now, i've heard what he's describing before, and it sounds nothing like that, and the other thing that makes me think its not that, is that the noise is still there when you're using the brakes (i.e. if you left foot brake and still drive along, its still there etc)
now, this has me stumped, and fairly worried...