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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. the thing is, you can take his license off him, but i doubt it will stop him driving. no license = no insurance if he hits someone. not only is he going to f**k his own life up, but someone elses, when he can't pay for the damage.
  2. do these come with the senders? i.e. is everything that is required to make them work, there?
  3. i have an actuator you can buy, lee PM me if you would like it
  4. was that $100 per rim?
  5. as has been said - if you have larger than factory rolling diameter rims it will cause your speedo to be out as for the fuel gauge reading incorrectly, also do as has been said - check the sender isn't caught on something (as mine was)
  6. gawd... more people see me when i head up the coast then the whole time i'm driving around brisbane! LOL
  7. You feel sorry for someone who was clearly, by his own admission, breaking the law? Riiiight..... As for your 'suggestion for next time'..... I posted in another thread on this very subject (surprise surprise, there have been about 3 others in the last week) the new penalties they are looking at bringing in for 'hoons' who run from the police. these penalties include: * Immediate confiscation of the vehicle (not sure if they said it would be confiscated for 3 months, or forfeiture to the crown immediately) as well as * 2 Years Jail Time as well as * a $15,000 fine Tommyk - you're not friends with Glen Miller are you? He's the guy that Today Tonight had so much fun with a couple of years ago... the Blue AU XR8 Falcon [FORCED] who was going to "Hit the NOS, and try and take a couple of the cops with him"
  8. Hahaha, i'm pissing myself laughing here.... you're kidding right? Hrm, lets see... there are a couple of things that say i'm right and you're wrong... such as COMMON SENSE, and THE LAW. omg uleh! i'm so sorry! I just realised.... i'm not hektik enough to be driving a skyline... i keep forgetting to drive like a knob every time i hop behind the wheel, keep forgetting to go out and 'drift' and act hardcore, forgetting to nail it at every set of lights every time some 16 year old in his commonwhore pulls up beside me! They failed to tell me those were pre-requisites of skyline ownership upon purchase of my vehicle.... how dare they not tell me?!!??! I'm so sorry that i've been leaving bad impressions of skylines with everyone who sees me driving on the street, because they would be SOOOOOO upset at someone who follows the road rules, and that they don't have to worry about me doing DUMB SHIT around them and causing damage/injury to them/anyone else around.
  9. Oh noes! I'm being insulted by someone over teh interweb! my life is over! i better go kill myself now!!!! Ever stop to think that maybe those 'nerds' or 'geeks' are actually the smart ones, who follow the LAW when driving on the street, and if they want their adrenalin rush, they take it to the TRACK, and enjoy their cars there LEGALLY? or how about you stop giving skyline drivers a bad name, by selling your skyline and buying an S13 Silvia and then join Nissansilvia.com? You have the right mentality, and would fit right in there! Take care now!
  10. Fair enough, you can read/do/think whatever you like, i was just trying to fix some incorrect information that someone had posted
  11. h4h4, y34h bru|-|, i d0n7 h4v3 fu||33 siik d0riftz0r|ng s|<illz like y0u, Ul3h!
  12. my point is that people shouldn't go around giving advice to people when they have NFI what they're talking about... i.e. "oh, you can give it a squirt to the speed limit and they can't do anything" what if he goes out and does that, and gets his car impounded for hooning... with the way everyone seems to "lawyer up" these days... even in this thread..., i can see the person who posted it being attempted to be sued or something...
  13. oh, and for all you people saying you can give it a squirt to the speed limit and back off? *BEEP* wrong answer! cops can also do you for that. I've heard it classified in a few different categories "Driving causing undue noise" "Undue Acceleration" or the one that falls under the hoon legislation: "Time Trials" (for which they can confiscate your vehicle, by the way)
  14. Dan only managed 13.6? what was wrong? run into some problems?
  15. for all of you whinging about the 'grandpa mob taking over these forums' (i.e. Kermit and co.) have you ever stopped to think that maybe we have some members here who don't have the attitude and mentality of 16 year old schoolkids? I mean, if you think thats the mentality that everyone should have, perhaps you belong in another forum.... I can point you in their direction if you want...? www.fastfours.com.au www.boostcruising.com www.nissansilvia.com just to name a few... i'm sure you'd fit right in there. Sure, he didn't come in here asking for sympathy, i never said he did... What he did was come in here and ask how he can get out of an ass-reaming by the constabularly, when he full well deserves it. I'm SICK AND f**kING TIRED of people whinging that they've been done for this, and done for that, and how can i get out of this fine, etc etc. YOU DID THE CRIME, NOW DO THE TIME. MAN UP AND FACE YOUR ACTIONS. why is it that nobody is prepared to take responsibility for their actions any more? and before you say that i'm acting 'holier than thou' etc, i have had my fair share of incidents... 2 weeks after i got my skyline, i had a prang (by myself, no other vehicles involved) that was due to speed... now, i was not travelling above the speed limit (60 zone) however, looking back, it was too fast for the conditions... was going through some tight s-bends at 60 (the speed limit) and a cat ran in front of me, i hit the brakes hard, which caused the rear end to slide out, hit the gutter, and throw me over the curb into a park/pole etc... i was pretty shaken up by it, hell, i pretty much refused to drive my car for a few months as it affected me that much... 2 weeks after getting my car back from the panel beaters with my nice new front bar on it, i was driving along a road in the middle of nowhere late at night, and some little shits had pulled a fallen tree across the road, which, due to it being an 80 zone, i didn't see until i was basically on top of it... again, f**ked up my car, and my confidence in driving.... now, both of these incidents occurred while i was actually FOLLOWING the road rules..... a further example... if i hadn't have been driving along and hit that tree, stopped, and pulled it off of the road while looking at my front bar, the next car along the road would have hit it.... do you know what the next car along the road was? it was a police car, doing approximately 160kph along the road, on its way to a call-out. What if he had hit that tree at 160kph? I don't think he would have lived to tell the tale to be honest. The point of those stories? you never know what is going to be just around the corner, and you never know what is about to happen. P.S. i have had one speeding fine as well, approximately 3 months ago now... 70 in a 60 zone.... it wasn't me the cop was chasing, i just happened to be in the same group as the guy, and the cop couldn't catch him, so i copped the fine. Did i come on here whinging and complaining that i'm hard done by, and how do i get out of it etc? NO... i may not have been speeding at that exact moment the cop pulled me over, but i knew i was speeding previously (it was on a mountain run) so i copped it on the chin, and paid the $100 and took the 1 point and racked it up as a learning experience..... /end rant
  16. hehe, yeah, i posted in the sunshine coast thread Daz did you yell out at all? i swear someone yelled my name (Jason) as we were driving through coolum
  17. yeah, 'twas me... just went for a drive all the way up the coast road from mooloolaba to noosa... decided noosa was too touristy and crowded when we got there, so we went back to the surf club at mooloolaba for lunch. got their "Seafood Platter, Hot & Cold, for 2"... tell ya what, there's not alot on them Also, the oysters were crap
  18. Bandwagon? I see no bandwagon here... or are you trying to dispute he drives like an absolute polesmoker, when it has been proven, time and again, that he should never be allowed behind the wheel of any form of motorised vehicle again? Some people just don't possess the mental capacity to drive... he is one of them... and thats without even going into his fraudulent activities.... nice guy - possibly... that must be after he finishes a hard day at work of being an absolute shithouse driver/danger to everyone on the roads and a con artist/fraudster....
  19. as per the rules, can you post a price please?
  20. i'll answer them. I've never been done for drink driving, because i don't drink and then drive i've never drug driven 'coz i've never even touched the shit.
  21. hrm, well then... how about you stop acting like an arseclown and grow up? there are other people out there on the roads other than you, you do realise? if you ever damaged my car or whatever because of your "i don't give a f**k, i'll do whatever i want" attitude, i think you may end up with a fair few more injuries than those that were a result of the 'accident' grow up mate.
  22. vote seconded and Matt... get back in that servicemobile!
  23. friend i am taking is female... and you can abbreviate roger to "rodge"
  24. jlnewton... probably frankxinyu or whatever his name is... he lives around boondall and has a Blue R33 LM GTR. Spotted [96 GTR] on the way home tonight on Gympie road at Chermside. Both gave and received waves!
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