To start off with mate, i'm not prejudging you - you are giving some guy on the internet advice on how to evade getting his license suspended, when from the look of things, it is rather deserved that he lose it... don't you think thats a bit... um... wrong?
what the hell does having '30 years of accident free driving' have to do with anything? some of the worst drivers in the world can get through their life without having an accident... what they don't take into account is the amount of people they affect with their shit driving, whether they cause an accident and just don't realise it because they're off in la-la land, or run people off the road, etc (no, i'm not referring to you like this, merely using it as an example)
Does it matter WHY you lost your licence? No. The fact is... you lost it... all 12 points... then they gave you a second chance... and still you decided to flaunt it... and expect to get away with it... (unless you lost it through parking fines or something, in which case i can sympathise)
Nobody is 'bagging' the dude, they're telling him to man up and face his actions, instead of mollycoddling him like everything else in todays society.
Nobody is prepared to account for their actions any more, i think this thread is more than proof of that.
Again, i wasn't meaning for it to be a personal attack on you, i'm just sick and tired of people today not being prepared to take responsibility for their actions, and was getting rather frustrated.... so, i do apologise for taking it out on you, you didn't deserve it.
As for what breed the horse that i ride is... its a shetland pony, coming in at approx 5 hands, so its not a very high horse at all...
And just so you know, there was only one line of text actually aimed at you in this entire thread, which was:
and even that wasn't aimed DIRECTLY at you as a personal attack, more at the way you were thinking