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Everything posted by AzzurrA

  1. w00t! *eagerly awaits pics* hey, quick question... with painting the insides of the headlights black, does it affect the throw/dispersion of the light at all? I mean, i'm quite happy with my headlights at the moment (have standard wattage narva +50% bulbs in there, and adjusted the lights so they shine up a bit higher... the lighting is phenomenal.. my low beams are like most cars high beams.. possibly even better), but the silver finish on them is a bit tatty, and i reckon it would look alright with black housings
  2. if they 'must' do it (i.e. u won't do it yourself) stay and watch them put the oil in
  3. lol, thats what i'm doing this week too dave... 5am starts... lol hippo bathday anyway dude!
  4. Maroochydore for the win
  5. and as you can see, i'm on the 5am shift today :|
  6. haha, yeah, the job is awesome.... yep, ur not allowed to tell me u can't make it any more... u have to work harder! chop chop
  7. Matt... mine has the whiteline subframe lock and align kit in it (pineapples) dunno if you noticed how noisey mine is or isn't... (i don't pay any attention to it.. there's that many squeaks and rattles that i tune out )
  8. new stud from nissan is approx $5 to $10 (can't remember, i just remember it wasn't much) to replace, you basically have to take your wheel off, take your brake caliper off, take the brake disc off, take the hub off, pull the hub apart and replace the stud... assemble in opposite way... that is just off the top of my head, so there's probably something that i have forgotten....
  9. you can have mine, if you replace them with some nice carbon fibre jobbies? or even GTR ones?
  10. do you have the front and rear hubs still? if so, what sort of price are you looking at for them?
  11. for those who are trying to get to the HobbyLink Japan site, the address is: http://www.hlj.com/
  12. any idea how much the centre weighs? Or would cost to be freighted to Brisbane?
  13. I vote we start the Group Buy for the HKS porting sand on Nissansilvia... anyone in?
  14. Do the above if you're not worried about your insurance rating or paying the excess etc. When i had my incident, the council advised me to just claim it on insurance and be done with it.. i spoke to my insurance company, and they advised that sure, you can put the claim in, but your rating will drop, and you will be required to pay the excess, due to the fact that it is virtually impossible for them to get reimbursement from the council. I decided to just pay for it myself ($550ish all up) than pay the$1.5k+ excess and lose a rating
  15. Looks the goods! If you start making them at a decent price, i'll be up for one for sure!
  16. can you double-check your VIN please? there's nothing coming up under that one
  17. Spotted SMR33 on Coronation Drive this morning... think it was Mark driving?
  18. where abouts are you located?
  19. Any reason you went with the slower Spec R, over the Spec S? (not having a go at you, just curious?) Is it because of more luxury/extras?
  20. w00tah for teh maroochydore cruise!
  21. I hope you have better luck with the council than i did. I hit a f**kin pothole on the highway one night, it snapped my hicas lock bar in 2.... i lodged a complaint with the council etc, had receipts for repairs, had statements saying that it was dangerous etc, and that peoples lives were at risk, had photos... and after 4 weeks of them f**king me around, the come back with "Nope, we will not help you at all, and if you don't like it, tough shit" even though i pointed out that the car actually swerved into the adjoining lane, nearly hitting a car, due to the rear wheels having no directional control.... :@
  22. You been pissing fruit bats off again dave?
  23. happy birthday mate!
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