Hi i once had a problem with knocking noise from the front left tyre/suspension, turned out to be the ball pin joint, but in the process other things were replaced, i have new control arms, and had outer adjustable bushes put in while they were install cuz that's what was ordered in so i just took them. They were superpro adjustables.
I ended up getting a wheel alignment done not too long ago, to try get more k's outta my tyres, apparently they had to fully adjust the bushes to max, and there is still a bigger camber on that side over the right hand side. Fair enough i thought ok i will sort it later, but ever since they maxed it out, im getting squeaking from every bump movement and just makes it sound like im driving a heap.
The question is do i replace the bushes, if so what with...same/different brand, adjustables or non-adjustables, or am i looking in the wrong place? what is the cause of throwing them out too far? ive had these bushes in for prob 3 years max.