i have recently sold my car and have taken all my gear out , its all collecting dusk . and needs to go :
- JBL AMP : was a 4 channel but its only playing 2 channels at the moment and i havent had the time to look at why its doing that , so im letting it go pretty cheap . could use it to run a sub or so..
model number is :GTO 504 seeking $150 neg to right buyer
- MTX THUNDER 65 rms , 6 inch - $70
- MTX THUNDER 65 rms , 6 inch + tweeters $140
everything is basically brand new , had it for 2 months in my car before i took it out , mint condition , flexible for a complete sale , but no low ball offers so spare your self the embaressement as i wont reply .
cheers , contact via PM