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About R31Heaven

  • Birthday 08/05/1961

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  1. One car 6 years and the other 5
  2. And then get some descent brake pads that dont dust up Been using Bendix Ultimates and dont have any issues with dust.
  3. Tried there Ulimate compound polish the other week no dusting works well on the buff. It is a goood product for an off the shelf job, up there with there M series of polish. Ok got my Naviwax from Japan and this stuff is fantastic great shine and is aquaphobic to the max, also tends to keep the crap down in wet weather. Only issue I have is that its a bit off an ass to apply as you have to wet the panel with an applicator bottle befor applying and then remove panel by panel, but hey for the result I can put up with it. 9/10
  4. Very Clever, there goes couple of hundred milk crates
  5. There are three types of polishers Random Orbital, Orbital and forced rotation. Random orbitals spin in a spiragraph type pattern so dont actualy spin, so they dont build up heat like a rotary which spin in a a circular motion, this why it is recommended to use an Random Orbital when your a beginer. Foced rotation do both. The Festool above also has a speed dial on top to slow down and speed up.
  6. Its an Random orbital, not an Orbital polisher There RPM rating is higher.
  7. Most Orbital Sanders have an orbit in the range of 3-5mm where didicated polishes are around the 8mm mark. Not saying you cant use them, you can! but as above may take a bit longer. If you do use a sander dont use one that has been used on wood as they hold crap inside them and only takes some grit to fall out onto your work and you have induced scratches and swirls
  8. I use three companies, as over the years I have found favourite products from all. Waxit.com.au, www.carcareproducts.com.au and www.chemguys.com.au They all have some great products. Step above off the shelf products. To get a good feel of whats happening and what Pro Detailers are doing and using, visit this site. www.detailparadise.com.au
  9. While where on polishes I gave Megs Ultimate polish a go the other day and I am impresed, Hey and thats comming from a Menzerna user. Only good on light to medium swirling though and used a RO polisher, but for an off the shelf product, thumbs up to Megs. Also hearing good things about Optima polishes
  10. Got a tin of Naviwax comming from Japan, will see how it goes compared to my DP Maxwax. Dom has given it great reviews on his GTR.
  11. Low end Onyx. Would like to try Concours or Best of Show
  12. Max wax is an awsome wax for shine, but! there is always a but, it only last a couple of months I use it religously as I find it theraputical waxing my car every month. this is it on my Grey Metalic Coupe. I must admit there is a lot of Menzerna happened prior to the wax and I have also used a lot of differnt waxes and sealants from your Megs,poorboys.Dodo,Colinite Swissvax & this is my Favorite so far, oh and its so easy to apply and take off:)
  13. How often are you meant to clean your car? I wash mine when I think it looks dirty and use a good car wash like Chemical guys Citris wash & Gloss, but any of the Megs washes will do , I just found through testing that the Chem guys stuff had a better lubricity and left a nice shine after the wash, you only need a cap full to wash the car Do you re-wax every time? No, I use a quick detailer (Duragloss aquawax 951)after a wash to top it up and depending on what wax I am using re-apply at its specfeid times. I have waxes that last from 2 (DP Max Wax) months to 12 (Colinitte 465) before they need reaplying, I love the look of the Max Wax so I use that as my prefered wax. I also have a Sealant base (Duragloss 105). there are lots of great sealants out there but a pity is they dont come from a local Autoshop. My advise would be to have a look at http://www.detailparadise.com.au/modules.php?name=Forums this is a Australian Detailing forum and has a large amount of info on it, about lots of differnt products and doesnt push one brand
  14. Its getting good reviews on Detailing Forums and a lot of Pro detailers are using it.
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