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Everything posted by R31Heaven

  1. Yeah had the Dodo, it is a great Wax, then read a test on DW who tested some of the best/dearest waxes and the Colli 915 come up pretty good in the test. I gave it a go were the Dodo was $80 and the Colli has cost me $36 from USA, so damn cheap with both Waxes having an awsome depth and gloss the Durability of 6 months the Colli won.
  2. Ok long time since I have posted here so have changed my products a bit. I now use Menzerna products for the prep work wouldnt use any other. For Sealant I am using Zaino Z2 and for Wax I now use Collinite 915 lasts for 6 months . As a quick detailer I am using Aqua Wax, good Stuff. There are several othe products that I use but I will keep it to the main ones for now. Some pics of my Commy and the Coupe I use pics of the Dunnydore because it is Black and shows the results better.
  3. They do have some good products in their cleaners and Detailer range and washes. but their Polishes just dont last, I am Using Collinite at the moment, gives a way better shine and stays on for 6 months, where NXT would only last a month if lucky. And that strange what I put in the poll hasnt come up correctly
  4. R31Heaven

    Z06 Vs R35

    It was just a general statement on people have a concept that if a car is fast in a straight line they doesnt meen they are any good on a race track.
  5. R31Heaven

    Z06 Vs R35

    I like my cars to be able to go around corners aswell. The straight line thing is just not the whole package. Oh and half descent built quality, road noise is not my thing
  6. For the ones that havent seen it yet. The stigg in the GTR -youtube
  7. I am sick of derrrrr "I bought a go kart put jet motor on it and it bet a GTR and it only cost me $3000" threads to compare the GTR. If you are talking mods to one car put them on the comparison Car. Yep shove snails that can handle 30lb boost and tunning engine work that the Civic has had and guess what the Civic would be spanked severley.
  8. Heres a link to Final inspection Website. Join and then drop Damien a PM You wont find any descent polishes sealents or wax at Autobarn oe Supercheap http://www.finalinspection.com.au/forums/s...hread.php?t=994
  9. If its 2 pack it will be cured, if its acrylic and has had hardener put in it, it will be cured. If it is just Acrylic, give it another month before putting any sealers on it.
  10. Yeah want some Dodo juice purple haze, so will drop him an email. I have two, I use a 1200w Ryobi Orbital for the heavy stuff, it is a bit fast as it runs at 1500rpm to 6000 rpm but have mastered it at those speeds, just dont use heavy pads LOL and a Ryobi ERO750VK random orbital for light paint correction and swirl removal, orbital diameter is a bit small though at just 3.5mm.
  11. Thanks SS8_Gohan for the info, but Bugger their online shop is dead Will wait and see if it come up.
  12. I have just upgraded from Mothers to Poorboys and I must say its far superior. No more off the shop shelf products for me. And bang for buck you cant go wrong. Next step up to try will be P21 and also want to try Dodo Juice people are saying it on par to Zymol or Swissvax ,without the cost. Just need to find someone that sell it in Oz
  13. Very Big slant towards Diesil Engines also, So if a Petrol engine got into the top I think its a feat in itself
  14. Just as reference This my commodore and it black I am now using the Mother Glaze & sealant and their California gold wax and are getting good results. I have being doing some research and will be giving a few other products a trail soon, some Poorboys and Zainos sealants any way here is a pics of the dunny door with 3 layers of Sealant an 1 of wax. I am happy with the result. Will post back when I try the poorboys gear
  15. Why is it every one is trying to find some scenario were a Ford or Holden may win, the fact is on a track road scenario the GTR is faster that is that, you take 100 scenarios the GTR will win 99% but Holden, Ford fans wil say but it bet a GTR 1% FFS get over it. LOL
  16. I am anal about my cars so yeah it is still shiny because I polish it every month with Mothers California Gold Wax to keep it like this, so using the Glare as the base and paint protection, an just keeping the show car shine with the mothers. people say I dont need to do it, but I do. LOL
  17. Thanks for the links Basti
  18. Arrrrh cant watch the streams it lock up and I only get audio and im running 512 adsl, Grrr anyone captured the streams??/
  19. Same car different pic but looks great
  20. I use Glare polishes and sealers I have found them to be the best in what I have used. I have used McGuires, Turtle Mothers Autoglym and numerous others and they just dont hold a shine long enough, anyway here is a link to were I get mine and it has a bit of a speel to what it actualy is and how it works. I used it on both my skyline & Commo. The link below is to only one company that sell it, but have found them to be the Cheapest. This is a piant treatment and is suposed to last 5 years Also my cras have been flat blocked which also helps to give a good shine. The stuff is also a little expensive but the results speak for themself. Infinity Car polish Skyline Dunnydore
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