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Everything posted by -GTHR32-

  1. The word 'Pathetic' comes to mind, 'Corny' does as well, 'Crap' is another, 'sh*thouse', i could go on and on. U gotta wonder who comes up with the ideas for there campaigns, if thats all there ideas man can come up with i recomend he should quit IMMEDIATELY and start pushing trolleys at coles (something more to his IQ level). WHAT A JOKE!!
  2. yeah u can count me in at this stage, sounds like a good day, some people may be able to relate to what your tryin to do in one way or another. southside meet point and maybe an idea of which route is gunna be taken would be sweet. Amy how did u want people to help out, if its on the day or in any other capacity. Maybe specifically list what u need help with
  3. anyone?
  4. welcome, i did the move myself about 8 months ago, i havent had much interaction with the crowd from SAU QLD but they probably a nice bunch. im in the silmilar predicament as u bro so holla when u get up hear
  5. hey if its any consilation my old girl was coming home from work today and got run off the road, pretty serious accident, bent chasis, shopping basket broken, horn snapped straight off and worst of all some homeless dude stole her safety vest and flag. i dont think she has the option of turtle or rabbit anymore. could some one help out and post some details of a quality workshop please thanks Adam
  6. Colin, C4 customs, 0410 993 719, Northern Gold Coast. one of the last cars he sprayed was a show winner 84 Gemini, HSV white w/ blue pearl. FLAWLESS!! one of the nicer street gem's i have seen, inside and out. there may be a wait on full car sprays ATM but small parts wouldnt be an issue.
  7. Happy birthday girlie
  8. hey people i just bought a 33 four door rolling shell and liking the look of the impul garage edition released im chasing impul garage parts, body kit, rims (any parts) or some contact details of people who could help me. i would prefer genuine parts if preferable Contact 0438 406 910 or reply Cheers
  9. it all depends on what your after really, if its a complete new colour in and out, if its same colour with a pearl,, condition of car and what preps involved, ill get some rough prices up shortly on re sprays, glass repairs, custom boot enclosures, in car AV installations, re upholstery
  10. nah can easily beat that price, if we could rip a mould off your front bar than your probably lookin at getting it done cheaper again, the quality of my brothers work is spot on and cant fault it, he takes pride in all his work and sprays all cars as if they were his own, u said brisbane area but we are in the Labrador area if thats not an inconvenience
  11. My brother (C4 Customs) in an awesome spray painter, doesnt charge an arm and a leg and does a wicked job and anally attentive to detail. If the parts are off the car it wont cost much. R the parts on the car?
  12. his brains are that way from smokin rocks. if u google dave chappelle , tyrone biggins. it will give u an insight to who this jarrod fella is. (sorta exageratted but close enough) haha. 'I SMOKE ROCKS CHRIS'
  13. looking at selling my personalised plates GTHR32, black plate with white numbers (vic rego). i moved to QLD from vic and thinking bout changing my rego over so if the right offer comes it may persuade me to do it
  14. yeah we all hope. this guy had his parents buy him a VL for his first car then wrote it off trying to take a 90 deg corner at 130+ with every seat taken in the car, it was on the road for 3 days, his parents bought him an XF shortly after (both cars were in mint cond) then slowly after time smashed that up also. that was his semi disabled dads car aswell. (the old dude has major health issues) luckily certain people dont own imports
  15. Hey peoples just an E.O.I on selling my personalised plates. i live in QLD now and looking at changing my rego over, so that means my plates reading GTHR32 (black plate with whites letters) maybe up 4 sale. just curious atm
  16. read this article about this idiot http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...02-2862,00.html i grew up with this clown back in vic and was sorta like wtf when i read it. I could safely say it wouldnt have been his blood alcohol reading making drive like this. if u know the stretch of road u would know he is lucky to be alive
  17. yeah shouldnt be a drama, what mite be an idea is to post some pics then can arrange something from there. i need some idea of time frame and can only tell from pics, not really worth driving down just so show me then comin down again so yeah throw up some pics and ill get back to u, maybe i shold open a thread on body kits repairs ey?
  18. just post post some photos and ill get back to u.
  19. My suggestion is this, bring it down to the gold coast and i will fix it for u. i have all the product needed except your colour. i will undercoat the touchup amd make it as good as new. (the perks of being in the fibreglass industry). get back to me if your interested. scotchies would help the cause
  20. -GTHR32-

    Skyline Cruise

    Not goin be abl to make it on the cruise, boss got us doin 13 hour days to get a boat ready for boat show. Probably doin about 13 hours sunday when your all out with the windows down cruisin up the M1. My little bro will probably go instead of me so if u see him doin stupid shieght in my car please let me know, (he had his R-33 4 door garage impul skyline- one of approx 4 in australia stolen late last year) but he has been warned not to. hope i get plenty of good photos to look atleast. can someone PM some details for Gold Coast meet point and times please. Happy cruising, Adam
  21. Thanks for all the help peoples, good feedback and recomended shops to fix my problem have helped heaps. i might have a fark around with my PC today with the new info i got and go from there. and no more german shizzer porn for me. haha Thanks again Adam
  22. i know a enough to get me by and tried alot of different things but same result. Yeah i gove virus scanner but as i said some moron was using my PC and semi farked it not knowing what they were doing. it was working ok but downloading adobe for flight details it clapped out. thanks for the help peoples, ill use the recomended thanks
  23. im not really fussed if its a professional job or someone who knows there stuff as long as its fixed i spose. The problems i see is it comes up with a warning saying windows has recovered from a serious error. i click ok then it comes up again and again and again until its says windows has to close in 1:00. i have 2 viruses on it from other morons using my PC aswell. Thanks for the help so far
  24. -Location, Labrador Hey just wondering if someone could point me in the way or be willing to come and fix my PC for me, im willing to pay but dont agree with the $90 p/hour most mobile PC companies charge, i dont wanna format my Hard Drive coz i got alot of personal material on there. i cant backup coz it crashes after 10 mins and runs like an absolute pig. I can pay you in cash, alcohol or foodstamps. Thanks
  25. -Location, Labrador Hey just wondering if someone could point me in the way or be willing to come and fix my PC for me, im willing to pay but dont agree with the $90 p/hour most mobile PC companies charge, i dont wanna format my Hard Drive coz i got alot of personal material on there. i cant backup coz it crashes after 10 mins and runs like an absolute pig. I can pay you in cash, alcohol or foodstamps. Thanks
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