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Everything posted by noisia

  1. i've always wanted to put a LS2 or plus engine in my 32. nothing would beat a 32 sideways up a track roaring whilst smoke pours from the rears
  2. im over people targetting cars. they take the oppotunity to ruin cars at events that are going to attract them, ie. auto salon. u park up ur beloved car which you are always weiry of taking to such events like these for the reason of them getting vandalized. and when u come out to find ur car half f%^$ed your almost not suprised it happened. like skydragon said, you almost need to drive a bunkie around the show but then your defeating to purpose of having that beloved car just bcoz of SOME A$$E$
  3. yeah, im sick and tired of getting "revved" up by p platers etc. i had a kid in a vs commie come up next to me whilst im doing 75km's in a 80 zone and "kick" back his auto and ring the freakin neck off the v6 and take off past me. i then thought to myself......for what? -too pick up some cred from a guy who he is never going to see again? the +'s and -'s dont add up. do the speed limit and casually cruise up next to the guy/girl and give thumbs up if ya want. makes everyones day better. keeps the grannies from cursing at ya and keeps the police from pulling out the vaso
  4. yeah the guy in the 180 would be devastated. shouldnt be racing on the streets though, especially in the wet RIP to the girl
  5. u rekon the commodore was a quad turbo v16?
  6. was watching the news just now and this whole crash thing that happened yesterday on the freeway. the news rekons the "nissan sedan was a high powered v8". is this just the news getting it completely wrong again?
  7. lol devo'd right now
  8. using code? all we use is- ftw lol rofl.................... like any other forum referring to any particular subject. lol this is so funny its fattening
  9. awww spewing this isnt happening over in perth, too jealous. i dont normally go on cruises but i would of been there in 2 secs if this was happening over at so-per. hope its a boss event
  10. sorry yeah it was afro. wasnt 100% sure which team peer driver it was. but yeah then it was afros 180 that ran hsd's
  11. 1. yeah stay away from anything above 9kg front 7 kg rear if its a daily driver, u will probably need psyhio coz of our shitty uneven roads. lol 2. f*kn low, probably just get the top of some 17 inchers in the guard. definately defectable.
  12. i have HSD HR's. 5kg rear 7kg front, very good spring rates. but any reputerable brands are good. but your HSD, ISC brands are excellent value for money leighton fine in his onevia won DA in 04/05 (cant remember) with HSD coilovers.
  13. damage is already done lets get em boiz! lol
  14. cant grasp what ur saying bro sorry but this might help, tis a good guide http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...l=hicas+lockbar
  15. chevrolet corvette c5- sex on wheels
  16. 8. Tell her you're taking her out to dinner. Drive for miles so she thinks it's going to be really special. Then take her to a burning tire yard. When she starts to get upset, tell her you were just kidding and now you're really going to take her to dinner. Then drive her home. When she starts crying and asks why you would do something like that, lean over and whisper very quietly into her ear '...because I can.' bahaha this would be too funny. she would scratch your god damn eyes out
  17. lol. i'll be slappin my dad if he doesnt get it
  18. i also always run my car on 98. never 95 cause i start to get ping. i doubt my old man will be getting one then, especially with fuel prices the way they are, tis a pity.
  19. yeah well thats true, just thought you might be able to get away with it if u running stock boost, stock exhaust and everything
  20. oh k, so yeah well if there recommended for 95, u could get away with 91 if its just gonna be a cruiser/daily couldnt ya?
  21. my old man is possibily selling his commodore and he's thinking of buying a dead stock r34 gtt. now could he run 91 octane in it? because i doubt he will want to run it on 98 all the time. cheers guys
  22. this is were superlap takes over australian motorsport....bohahahahaha *evil laugh*
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