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Everything posted by noisia

  1. just been lying at home bored as fark watching rpm. and cameron mcconville was being interviewed saying ford are dropping funding next year, he implied that teams may be dropping ford and turning over to the generals holden. only fpr and another team i forgot are being funded after 2009. mcconville then said 4 years ago holden werent welcoming toyotas idea, but as of this forthcoming news holden are now welcoming toyota who have been interested in joining the league. what car would they use? would be boss if they could whip out built 2jz's rather than 8's. either way it should be sweet. something to look forward to!
  2. haha matching HRT g-string, f*kn hilarious. to top of the cheezy gayness
  3. touchy much? theres always going to be dickheads, i do believe also, being a previous holden driver, and seeing situations from both points of view (holden driver but now nissan driver)...that there are more spanners in holdens. i do believe that nissan drivers tend to be more responsible, even with the high percentage of holden drivers to nissan drivers. i believe there is a higher understanding of driving and technicality when it comes to driving a skyline which leads to a more responsible driver that knows his/her limits. BUT as i stated before, theres always going to be people that take it to far no matter what car they drive.
  4. i think it was leighton fines old peer onevia
  5. r31, weldo diffo, 2nd hand coilo's and some filthy feint
  6. yeah that does rather lick ball, you dont really know if he tried or japan just didnt agree
  7. where the front and rear 9 width?
  8. a slight roll hey....missions wot are gtr offsets usually anyway +30?
  9. will GTR offset clear and not scrape GTS guards? and does GTR offset look dope on a GTS?, like are they pumped enough etc? sorry for being a n00b just i've done research and im still not 100% sure wot im getting myself into. will 9 width on front be to much, do i need 8 width front instead? will 215 stretch over 9 width? cheers folk
  10. white....even though white 33's are as common as assholes
  11. yeah i've suspected that. was raining today and im thinking that could be the cause. looks like a gotta do some investigating
  12. na, car didnt come with side indicators 32 sedan styles lol
  13. when it flashes fast all the lights that should be flashing are flashing........weird
  14. just today my right indicator flashes faster than normal, then other times it flashes normal. possible cause? oh and all lights are working, nothing has blown
  15. people that wear rayban wayfarers. there gonna look back on pictures of themselves and just be like "what was i thinking"
  16. hey mate, yeah i had the same problem. my gears were almost clunking/crunching when changing. i drained it out, then used valvoline duragear oil. works a treat!
  17. posers who drive hummers especially when its a road car only, fair enuff if its for offroad
  18. done. oh and +1 for never doing this again only if it was for a fully built 26 or something
  19. u think maybe the rocker covers will eventually start to create surface rust from the scratched surface? anyone found out first hand? also are the moon gasket (rear camshaft gaskets a necessitity for when you also replace the rover cover gaskets?
  20. mild 32 4 door atm. future- filthy slider with the dirtiest dish you can get
  21. WGMG: when people are even so stupid that they cant even do one simple task like tie down their shit in their trailer or on their roofs, sick and tired of shitting myself when i see stuff on the road, or when stuff has fallen off infront of you. if something hit me their paying for my new front end......oh....and because there so f*&%ing retarded they can buy me a bee*r 32.4 front end
  22. looks f*kn tuff i would buy one and on the whole pushrod argument, and yes we've heard it all before its relatively old technology compared to twin cam etc but GM are still using it coz its still quite an effective set-up personally im waiting for the big quad cam donk to start production in the near future hopefully
  23. i grew up a v8 boy. until you get into the technical side of things, and u learn about different set ups and engineering a lot of v8 people are still caught up in there v8 world, not knowing any better i always find myself having arguments (all in good spirit) with my mates. they only scratch the surface with there knowledge of different set-ups, chassis design and so on, so i feel like im talking to a brick wall they think coz i own a skyline i hate v8's now, which is so far from wrong its not funny, yet they still give me shit. i try to explain about the whole "chassis" and "handling" thing, but they dont want to hear any of it. also, the whole culture of jap cars has opened my eyes so much its unbelievable, from tuning companys in japan to the heritage of different manufacturers if it was my choice, i'd have a ls1/2/7 in my skyline. but funds dont allow me to do that
  24. yeah its a shame the yanks are still using pushrod configuration. i've sort of said to myself, when GM start making a quad cam v8, thats when i'll start getting interested in buying one. hopefully by that time holden have engineered a better chassis aswell
  25. i dont hate commodores/v8's i think your generalising here
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