Doubt they would even care. They only care about the people who go in and stop without paying and they get fined anyway. Awesome drive tho!
Definitely one of my favourite except the first weekend i got my skyline i was coming back to Sydney from Scarborough pub and was just at the start of the nasho drive and a couple of motorbikes came flying through the twisty part and one of them didn't roll their weight into the corner properly and obviously hadn't used his brakes enough and came straight across my lane and i braked as hard as i could without locking up but it just wasn't enough distance between us. I had to swerve at the last second and go into the other lane, which was the last thing i wanted to do cause i didn't know what was coming around the corner still.... pretty damn scary experience.
Girlfriend at the time was screaming her head off haha and i was about to get out of the car to yell some stuff in the guys ear on the bike but got convinced he probably was close to a break down already
It would make an unbelievable run if you could organise to have to closed off to public and have a good run but otherwise even if you are having a casual cruise It's a damn dangerous experience, especially with this nut cases on crutch rockets who go through there