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Everything posted by TUFF_350

  1. You can use https://bzl.cis6200.jp/e/ with sign in id - V38095 Doesnt show you auction reports though like on the J-Spec site. Have trust in your broker , if he is any good then he surely wont miss a beat you just have to be patient. Also check http://exchange.goo-net.com/ for fixed price cars.
  2. I cant believe no one has snapped this up yet, unbeatable price especially with all the primo mods! Have you tried carsales? Just make sure you weed out tyre kickers/test pilots by requesting deposits
  3. Will do mate, il get the camera out this arvo.
  4. Well its appears worse then i thought... the general assesment from 2 independent quotes was new passenger door, paint the whole left hand side of car and even more disturbingly 1 week in a Suzuki Swift haha. Amazing how minor things can seem to the untrained eye.
  5. Thats what im hoping for, not too keen on losing it for a week at a crash repairer though thankfully if i do need to go down that route my mates wife works for Eblen Subaru and they'll do a flawless job.
  6. So i went to catch up with my mate down at the bay, he has started his own practice so it was called for. Park my car along the esplanade where he lives as my car is unable to conquer the ridiculously steep driveway though my car is not slammed. Just had my baby washed on the weekend so everything is sparkling...including the nice dent some motherless f**k decided to put on the passenger side door. Looks like a kick, but so f**king annoying that my blemish free car is now tainted I'll never know who or why, but in the off chance i do...enuf said!
  7. Should cost around $50 - $75 at your local exhaust shop, not a hard job so dont let them give you the reach around cos you have a GTR and "must" be loaded.
  8. TUFF_350


    They are a f**king joke, ring and complain to get 3mths free off your bill or shout at them to terminate your contract and go with telstra! Im with Optus who are supposedly the worst and have no issues what so ever.
  9. Excellent, thanks so much guys! The purchasing will now be so much easier
  10. Yea we saw that HKS unit but were unsure if you also needed dump pipes. So im assuming no is the answer to that one? Also maybe i typed the wrong Kakimoto unit as the one we saw is single pipe not the ultra loud double system lol.
  11. Probably not, if he does that then the whole exercise will most likely end up costing $5k.
  12. Hey guys, small favour for a good mate of mine who just purchased an R34 GTR and is looking to upgrade the exhaust. He has no interest/time in the forums (so he claims) pfft Anyways, i made him settle for the Amuse R1 Titan catback cos it looks and sounds insane or even the Trust TI or Kakimoto Full Mega as a slightly cheaper option and also metalcat highflow. Im a little unsure for the front section, im assuming it should be changed to keep the flow all nice and even as opposed to stock, but can anyone offer suggestions on front pipes/dump pipes? Links are not necessary but wouldnt hurt. I used some JJR gear when i had the R33 few years back, quality was great and fitment was ok but i remember there being slight hissing sounds due to small leaks etc.
  13. TUFF_350

    Sold The Gtr

    He's a witch, burn him at the stake rubble rubble rubble rubble
  14. Yea dont take any risks, book yourself in to get a nice alarm/immob installed ASAP. I went down to my service department and they showed me whilst laughing, compliance charged me for an Autowatch system that was not even there
  15. Hmmm cant say i did that exact procedure, but as far as i can tell windows go up/down fine and still do that lil kick at the end.
  16. Just curious, i changed my battery last week and read you needed to make sure the windows were all the way down before disconnecting...why?
  17. I think you should contact Iron Chef and maybe look at sourcing one, though obviously you may have to wait a tad with all the shiezer thats going dow in Japan at the moment.
  18. My battery shit itself this morning, was able to push start and i drove straight down to battery world. For $150 i got myself a Century NS60LMF installed which was assured a direct OEM replacement. Had the correct form factor, same dimensions so no need to boost it with a plate as it was too short (mentioned previously), rated at 430CCA and of course full 2 year warranty.
  19. Had the same problem six months ago while driving through a booze bus setup. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/342013-cooling-issue/page__hl__cooling+issues Ended up fixing the whole fan assembly just to be safe, ordered the parts from the US as it was about 1/3rd the price.
  20. http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_7627344_install-infiniti-g35-side-markers.html
  21. Bahaha, you're a classic dude. Love the fine effort!
  22. Haha yea and mark it sa "gift" with no value! Well i just did like many and created a US playstaion account, downloaded the demo and am impressed
  23. Where you located bro? Mobiletek at Hindmarsh are awesome just ask for Steve, tell him you know Damian with the skyline and he should sort you out. 8346 1555 He has a nice carribean blue V35 coupe too
  24. Regarding the importation of this game, apparently customs is cracking down and you WILL be caught and WILL be fined in excess of $100,000! But since im oddly enough fascinated with that Border Security show, i fail to see how they will identify it as being MK9 when all they see is an xray of a DVD through the machine. Or am i just too naive?
  25. Dont import dude, not worth it for a normal 33 or even a GTR these days. Should be an abundance of them on carsales etc and while some may be absolute POS im sure theres gotta be a few that a good, clean examples.
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