Well just read all 16 pages, what a read. Definetely one of the most interesting threads lately. Gary dead set you should be on the Australian Debating Team or something lol. Keep it coming mate, very interesting stuff indeed. I for one never knew about this whole rotor debate and find it very interesting indeed.
I understand where both parties are coming from however Gary does make some sense of this all. After a bit of searching on the net, most of what he has said is backed up on similar topics about it all. The way i look at it, pretend piston engines didn't exist, therefore you can't compare anything to a piston engine. Compare it for what it is, an engine is a mechanical air pump where fuel is added and the spark is there to ignite it all to create a reaction and transform that engery into movement. When you think of it like that, his calculations and theory are spot on are they not?