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Everything posted by PM-R33

  1. Not really true. I looked into that aswell and the best article I found was this one: http://healthyomega3.com/krill-oil-vs-fish-oil/ Unfortunately there really is no other "great" sources. You can get it from flaxseed oil, hemp oil and algae. However our bodies don't use the fatty acids in plants as efficiently as from seafood.
  2. Yes of course, but hang out until next week to see if they are in fact telling the truth this time.
  3. Says to take 2/day? Each bottle is ment to be a months supply. Or do you mean because multiple people will be using the same pack? I think that's the only size they sell. However you get free shipping if you order over $60. There is also some sort of loyalty program where if you continue buying with them you get better discounts or something. Havn't really read into that to much.
  4. Holy crap that was awesome.
  5. Nah not yet. Going to order some this weekend for myself and my parents aswell, just going to show them first and have a look at the ones they take. They might order those ULTRA ones since it seems to have some extra benefits for older adults. I dare say there will be a fishy after taste. All the ones I have taken do. As long as these are not any worse I can put up with it lol. I find taking them with some food helps a lot. EDIT: Just read this: So maybe they will taste fine?
  6. Good work on the photos man!
  7. Thought I would post this up for any one that takes or is thinking of taking Omega 3 Fish Oil supplements and wanted to get one of the best ones. Like with anything, not all companies make equal products and there are quite a lot of differences. I don't normally eat a lot of seafood so I dare say my Omega 3 levels would be low hence why I wanted to find one of the better ones (hell if i'm going to the effort of taking a supplement I may as well get the most beneficial one). I spent a little bit of time researching what the ins and outs of these supplements are and what the best was. Without rewriting what I have read I will simply link one of the better articles I found and show a little extract. http://www.truthaboutomega3.com/omega.html?pg=idx, It is a good read if you have the time and shows how different a simple Fish Oil supplement can be. So here is the website where you can buy them from directly: http://www.xtend-life.com/product/Omega_3_DHA_Fish_Oil.aspx?id=1001444 Pretty good price really and you only have to take two pills a day (unlike some others I have seen which can be 6 a day). Normally I just take ones from Coles/Woolworths but will be ordering some of these instead. They also make a premimum and ultra version (which contains the same fish oil amounts) however add in a few extra benefits. Hope this helps some of you if you wanted to take Omega 3 pills but weren't really sure what to take
  8. If I had known the GT Championship was going to be here for the first time this year I would have gone again. Will definetely go next year just to see them.
  9. I think the price is fairly reasonanble. Want to see proper pictures of it up close though.
  10. UPDATE Been told they have been sent and I should have the tracking number Monday. So let's hope this time they are telling the truth.
  11. Wow that's a lot cheaper than I thought! Damn might look into this one day. I was thinking the same thing man, how far to go with it? Would doors look weird?
  12. Yeah I know the car you are talking about. Sweden rings a bell? His was the first I ever saw with a flocked dash. Basically lookes like suede. Here's that one from the cover of a recent HPI. His was really nicely done. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=334459
  13. Yeah I think so to. So many things to cover.
  14. How does it go with wear? I've been seeing more and more of this and really starting to like it! Here is a full R33 dash done from that website posted: http://www.banburyflockingservices.com/services/flocking-repairs
  15. My mate has one of those Tower 200 door gyms and i've given it a go. Pretty good for what it is and it doesn't cost much at all.
  16. Ohwell shit happens. But yeah we should definetely have different threads to cover "gym" discussions since there is WAY to many topics and kind of annoying to have it all in one thread.
  17. Damn I can't believe those are DIY, amazing man.
  18. Apparantely everything got merged.
  19. I wasn't going to just order something and hope it didn't get siezed. Wanted to do it properly with paperwork. Might not end up doing it but still weighing up the options. Like I said, the savings are worth it if you know where to look. Anyway onto the topic of powders/pills/potions etc (since that seems to be the way this thread is turning). I 100% agree that a lot of the products you see on the market are bullshit and it is just all marketing hype. Hell, open up any fitness mag and every second page is an advert for the latest and greatest product with amazing before and after photos. The thing is every bodys somatotype is different and everyones genes are different. Some people react differently to certain things than other people do. So just because person "a" has no results, person "b" may get the results that they wanted. Same with workout regimes. Also every ones goals are different - bulking up, toning, losing weight, adding muscle etc. Me and my old man find the whole topic quite interesting and do a lot of reading on it. My old man is also one of the fittest people I know and is close to 50! Hell he's the oldest man in Australia (or was, may not be anymore) to get through the SASR selection course. I realise as others have said previously that some people look into things to much and to instead just hit the gym and go for it and that is fine. However other people find an interest in it and want to learn as much as they can about it for their own personal knowledge. Also helps in seeing through a lot of the bullshit. One of the key things to realise is the roles of supplements. They are to aid in filling holes in your diet. If your diet is perfect (this is why professional body builders pay other professionals to organise their whole diet) then there may be little need for a lot of extra supplements. However most of our diets are not perfect, and this doesn't simply mean "eating healthy". Anyway from my research, supplements come into the following categories: VITAMINS: The first and most important for all people should be a good multivitamin. This doesn't obviously aid much in bodybuilding but is a solid foundation to work from since most people will be lacking certain vitamins in their diet. The next most important is Omega 3. Once again, not really for body building but all research shows the benefits (improving cholesterol, reducing risk of high blood pressure, lowering triglycerides, improved immune, improved brain function and the list goes on). Also most people are deficient in omega 3 since we don't eat that much fish anymore. PROTEIN: The most discussed. Two main types, Whey and Casein (there are others). Both have their strengths and weaknesses however the main difference is the speed of digestion and release. That's why Whey should be used postworkout as it is the quicker one. Casein is better suited for before bedtime since it will get you through the night better and also good for breakfast if you have a late lunch. The main thing is protein should be consumed within one hour of a workout as this is your body's window when it is screaming for it. CREATINE MONOHYDRATE: One of the most popular supplements used by athletes and usually the most advertised as being the latest and greatest, 10 times stronger than the last. Mostly all crap. There are different ways of taking this but the most beneficial seems to be the cylcing of 20-25grams/day with 10grams/day for maintenance. BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACIDS: Used to aid muscle recovery and protein synthesis. One that isn't all that flash however good for holding onto muscle if consuming less calories (ie dieting). TESTOSTERONE BOOSTERS: Talking about natural ones here, not synthetic. A lot of these herbs can boost the natural testosterone levels in men by up to 50% by stimulating luteinizing hormones. Usually used to increase aggression and energy levels (including sex drive). CAFFEINE + NITRIC OXIDE: This is what forms most of your preworkout supplements. Used to increase oxygen, blood flow and the amount of calories burned. Problem with a lot of these is you build up a tolerance and start getting no effects. There are a number of different types and cycling can help in reducing building a tolerance. So that's basically it. It really depends how serious you are and how your body reacts to things, every one is different and some things work well for some, not for others.
  20. Also P platers can't drive V8's and yeah no engine swaps from other vehicles.
  21. For building muscle diet is the most important thing. No point working out at the gym every day if you are eating the wrong foods at the wrong times. While I agree that most supplements try to make themselves seem like wonder drugs it simply comes down to what your body needs and when it needs it. After a workout you want fast acting protein and a bunch of nutrients to help your muscles recover as fast as they can. Before bedtime you also want some good slow releasing nutrients to get you through your sleep. When you wakeup you want the correct nutrients to replenish your body. It all comes down to diet and as you can see it is quite comlex and I in no way admit to understanding it all. Good supplements definetely play their role but they are no way a wonder drug that will magically allow you to put on 10lb of muscle in a couple of days (like some claim). You really do have to dig through all the marketing bullshit to find what works well and what doesn't.
  22. I'm even more confused now after watching those vids.
  23. I'll let you guys know of any furthur information I find regarding this. As you said, I think most preworkout sups are fine (as long as they don't contain illegal ingredients that are not approved in Aus). It appears it's mainly the proteins which are a bit tricky. I'm going to get the COa certificates for some of the Universal Nutrition stuff and see what customs say. If it's all good will start bringing some in. I gotta send my old man some supplements to Afghanistan quite regularly so the cheaper I can get all these things the better
  24. Cool, he has them on his site direct now (The SS 12x1.25 were brand new when we got them and not on the site). Atleast it saves me doing it Cheers.
  25. *goes to youtube*
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