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About nuttsHunglow

  • Birthday 23/01/1976

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    North Shore
  • Interests
    My Son<br />My Wife<br />My new Kitchen<br />My lawn<br />My toaster as I like to taost

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  1. If it is true we could see the possible creation of a black hole or time travel
  2. Merry Christmas to all! Oh Stevo please send my present by Toll as Aust Post may not get it to me on time. All the best Andrew
  3. Ok I have added this into my diary so I hope to attend. Not happ ythat this place is closing down.
  4. I would like to say and i know it has been over a week now but I wanted to say i really liked the effort that some of the owners undertook for this event. I also am pleased that some other makes and models attended the event. I will try to attend more major events !
  5. You to mate!
  6. still waiting for pics from Xmetal! Story all done and then will send of to HPI! I will let you know the outcome.
  7. Is a nice guy and should be taking pictures of either national Geo or Ralph!

  8. Action stations here in Sydney working in the heart of the big apple oz ztyle! family is good and looking forward to soem time off soon. how are you ? Be safe over christmas
  9. Um no one takes canada seriously anyway I can understand your wanting to defend Victorians everyone desirves to be happy that is why we in NSW allow people to vist and see the light and at times we allow the people up north to come down and have a look. But we try not to allow people to stay for to long as they may want to stay for good and we cant infect our pure way of life,.,,,,,,,,,
  10. Without being petty and all political NSW is better and if we made good coffee what reason would people want to live in Victoria? Events...pfffft Texicana is only good for the NSW People who attend! And it only takes one as we are all awesome enough!
  11. I would like to wish all Mextorians a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New year. I pray that oneday you all will be as awesome as us..... sorry that is aiming a bit to high ummmm well as good as Tasmanians..... Anyway all the best! Andrew
  12. I was so impressed with everything and I liked to see the food vans I tried each one and they where all good! I like choc tops! I also want to make a comment about the number of women that are getting into this and is great to see! Again congrats to all who get this to work! and I am sure that more will help next year
  13. Well a big congrats to all who helped with this event. Was wonderful to see so many new faces and some old ones too. Also I would like to thank Terry for Bringing his R32 GTR all the way from Queensland, The cars looked great and was nice to see other cars who wanted to apart of the event. Also Ian aka Xmetal thankyu for taking so many pictures you are 1 in a million. cant wait to see some of those special shots which will be sent of to Performance Imports magazine. I have almost finished the words and is sounding good. Anyway again big congrats and a special note I really anjoyed the undercover area great for the body , and cars and photos. I say lets have a even bigger one next time
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