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  1. See the red cross mobility shop in belmont. they hire, sell and fit baby capsules.
  2. Better Brakes Cheltenham.9585 0455 i think.
  3. I love these down and dirty builds. Goes to show motor sport does not have to cost tens of thousand. Keep updating.
  4. 13B FTW. A mate of mine has and on going project/bottomless pit http://www.4sfed.com.au/
  5. Hell why not. The perth/kalgoorlie pipeline was completed in 1903 and that is close to 500km with about 10 pumping stations. Without pumps another 100 year of technological advancement, it should be childs play. Especially because of all the electricity lines etc already. But hey the pollies only do what they want.
  6. Or at nordens in dandy http://www.norden.com.au/index.php?section...amp;pageID=3985
  7. If the throttle bodies full through im next in line.
  8. A mate of mine has a nice TA22, Im sure he can help you out if you have any problems: http://www.4sfed.com.au/index.php?option=c...o&Itemid=35
  9. Try here: http://www.injectorsonline.com/indivprod.php?cid=79
  10. give them a call to see if invoices were issued in the first place. they will be able to run you rego through their invoice system. If no invoices were issued in the first place you should be clear.
  11. EastLink is having problems with their systems right now, which is expected when systems and processes are completely new. It gives me a head ache everyday. I work for CityLink (dont shoot me) and know how the system works. My advice is to call them and find out if there is anything outstanding for your rego. If your lucky their system may have had a melt down at the time you travelled. If you are things have progressed from the EastLink Late Toll Notice your in trouble. The next port of call is Civic Compliance Victoria (CCV) and a $113 fine, which if you want to contest you won't have a leg to stand on, not even if it went to the wrong address. Its simple, you used EastLink and failed to pay within 3 days and there response to "i never got the notice" will be the same. It is your duty to ensure they have your correct address at all times. Also be aware you will be fined $113 for each day of travel and CCV have up to 12 months to issue a fine.
  12. If anyone wants large lazy dogs i recommend greyhounds. Take 'em out once a day or maybe every second day for walks and a run/ Go out, sprint, coma. Although you may need to buy another couch.
  13. marky

    Gtr Vs Gtr

    looks like a budget japanese remake of Grease and your right about about the screaming. I kept expecting them to instantaneous combust
  14. Free standard SR20 intake and exhaust manifolds. Pick up only. PM or sms 0422218223
  15. marky

    Grt Dump Gaskets

    Thanks rekin.
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