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Lucy in the Sky

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Everything posted by Lucy in the Sky

  1. last time we went they had it at the english sweet shop in fremantle markets..
  2. you can also get dr pepper from 'best of the british' shops - there is one in riverton forum and the english sweet shop in the fremantle markets has a little fridge full of cool drinks like cherry vanilla coke.
  3. its christmas, people are on the roads alot. they are just trying to keep the roads safe.... annnd raise a little revenue at the same time
  4. i was at a set of lights behind some bogans in a typical bogan car, and they failed to pay attention when the lights went green - the guy behind me beeped and they thought it was me. when they started driving they threw a full can of redbull out of their car hoping to hit my bonnet i assume. i swerved sucsessfully (thank you maxxis super grippy tyers) and when i pulled up next to them at the traffic lights i taked to them through my window, pulled my disconnected horn out of my steering wheel and told them that i didnt beep them cos i dont have a connected horn they were like omg sorry, thought you were being a bitch.
  5. no i never did =[ its a cd for windows xp, which i have.. i just dont have word. i think i need a cd for microsoft office? im not sure, maybe its on there - im not too great with computers!
  6. hahaha well i should get into gear and get the current newsletter out before we think about the next one =p
  7. check out ebay snipers.. they work better than sitting up all night. =]
  8. I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooo
  9. if you wanna do something simple for a desert thing, go for ice cream, baileys and shave some chocolate on the top.. mmmmmm simple but yummy.
  10. well in my brothers pulsar (very old pulsar) the water from the window wipers has a leak. and it drips on your foot. could it be that?
  11. haha well i was thinking about buying that, but i was thinking of something with a few more marijuana leaves all over it.
  12. hey novotel, it would be really cool if you could give Sauwa the footage.. we might use it for something in the future. I'm sure the people that were in the video would like to have it, even if there is no sound attached...
  13. oooh well in that case im glad i listed it on sau!! im not sure if you could use it for a honda civic... i think when ppl use the search on carsales.com.au they it will come up as a nissan skyline haha the only reason im asking if anyone wants it is to save someone the 30 bucks for putting it on carsales themselves... i dont want any money for the ad
  14. the only things that stay the same are the car make, model and the year... mine says Nissan Skyline 1993. having said that in the description you can always say the year of the car it cost me 30 bucks for the advert, so i just thought someone might want to use it..
  15. i sold my car using car sales but i can change the advert so i beleive.. does anyone want to use my ad?
  16. haha yeah, well it was either that or black, and my mum said to me that black would be much harder to keep clean
  17. novotel - it might have been better if you posted the lyrics on the forum before people decided they would go i wont make any comments on the band, lyrics or video, because i was taught if you haven't got anything nice to say then its best to say nothing at all.
  18. silver =]
  19. haha yeah you get heeps, but there are some ones that you will pick out.. i still think daquiri's are nice or try a mojito. they are good. i have a sweet tooth though..
  20. www.webtender.com select all the ingredients you have and it will tell you what you can make and how you make it. i had a cocktail party once and the faves were... white russians (vodka, baileys n milk / creme) pinapple juice with malibu oh and girls love daquiri's - strawberry is good =]
  21. approximately 2 -3 weeks. its coming from melbourne. im really excited
  22. www.beyondcustom.com.au Leon Popovich Phone 0413 593 242 International Callers: +61 413 593 242 Manni Yaqub Phone: 0439 365 611 International Callers: +61 439 365 611 google works wonders =]
  23. haha yes i wasnt really going for small and cute, but i really liked it! its got really cool seats and it has tiptronic/auto and its a good price for brand new.... i have ordered one in today from the east - wooo im excited!!
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