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Everything posted by Dragon18

  1. You like playinG guessing games dont ya Buddy =) Great CAR love the KIT hope mine gets here soon its been soo hard =) Hope its all good and what i expect ANy More news on whats happening with it =) Speak to you soon =) Great Ride =)
  2. hay funky do you think they would have the 180sx? one there?
  3. can they be different ones like 180sx r33 etc do they just want 20?
  4. so do you have to stick it on to the back with somthing how will it stay by it self??
  5. like you guys said the only way you can tell is from the outisde of the car and most importantly the inside of the car seats steering wheel dash console pedals etc thats what i belive in i belive if the inside preety well and the outside preety good you "should" have a good car
  6. man i might buy them but they in Miles and the kms are small DAMNG look awsom but =)
  7. yea like the guys said it is your problem but if the broker failed to tell you all this detail then i believe he should pay for it. i dont believe in the excuse i didnt know. Because you are paying him that 1000 dollars he should know thats his job when i bought my car my importer gave me about 10 to 12 pic of it the front bar had a little discolouration on it it was missing the kick panel where the ecu was and also missing boot carpet and sunviosrs due to roll cage however i got this car really cheap so i took the chance but like i said the importer should tell you every thing you cant see everything in the pic? my car is comming soon i hope i dont have major disapointment when i see it compared to the pics =)
  8. well i bought my car from japan and it was a 97 model with 40,000 km on the clock i think that is preety legit for a 97 model but like you said its hard to belive a 92 to 91 with 30,000 km on it. the way i see it it depends what the car is being used for. e.g my car had a few mods on it and a roll cage so iam assuming the guy took it out only on weekeds etc for a cruise or race around a track it wasnt a full drift car but had afew mods which showed it was raced? now what do you think ? a car that has been raced here and there and done 40,000 km on the clock legit or a car that has done over 100 km and been knocked back to 40,000 km i dont bleive that the cars are knocked back as much in japan i believe its all done with the Major import dealers. Not private importers the show room impoters who buy smashed up cars fix them across the road and turn the clock back heapz if you notice on all those show room places all the cars have body kits on them some sort of kit. i think they do that becuase they have all had some kind of accident history
  9. is it worth waiting that long for these other ones ? =)
  10. i rang up jetspeed today and asked about the el dials they said that they can fit them in for 70 buckz and send it off to make sure the calibration is 100 % costing 90 buckz iam willing to pay that =)
  11. haah thanks for the help hehe =) who will be willing to help me install my el guages on my 180sx some one who i know can do it and i will gave ya 100 buckz for doing it togeather =) lol =)
  12. i rang up jet seped and some lady picked up i asked if they sell those dials and she goes no i thought hrmm and hanged up any where else in melbourne have them? and also what is e-tronics number?? i tried the one funky monkey put there but dosnt work also is it worth trying to get some prfessinal to do it or try to do it my self iam not sure??? or will i get one of you guys here give ya 100 buckz and you can help me do it lol how can you check your calibration weather it is right or not???
  13. i rang up brant afew months ago in question about that and they only do it them selves and i think they only have 1 place in melbourne that does it they dont sell alarms seperate they are fully installed by them
  14. preety nice buddy 1 suggestion i would try putting the menu on the top in a frame so that when you scrool menu stays on the top. just an idea though and maybe try getting a logo happening for the business if he wants one? and you can also make the background transparant so it dosnt move but the writting does =) Cheers
  15. Hay guys i just have a question on turbos? 1. how do you know if your turbo is dieing? what signs? 2. Do turbos go preety easy or does it take abit of punchin to get them to stuff up? 3. if you have a stock turbo. e.g on my 180sx. and its going would it be worth getting it rebuild? or buying new one. i know it depends on how much cash you have. but if you dont have much what are the possibilies and also how much are new turbos worth. preety decent ones if you want some good kw figures on your car? and is it worth just getting brand new? second hand custom built etc =) Thanks guys
  16. unique auto sport around 250
  17. Hay guys iam getting my car soon and the car i drive now dosnt have power steering. which means i put abit of efort into the wheel when driving and when turning i put more force and cant just turn with one arm. iam worried about my driving when i get my new car as it is power steering i have driven new cars before its just different the feeling etc i dont know if any one else has this but yea? i wanted to ask one: how do you guys turn do you use 1 hand two hands etc i will be driving my old car to school 3 to 4 days a week and then my new one every day after that would take make things abit funny for me? i just want to get used to one car heheh =) let me know what your thoughts are Cheers
  18. iam going to get mine done on the 180sx but i dont want to do it myself as i just got the car too scared id rather pay some cash and make sure its done proberly any one reconmend any places?? in melbourne?
  19. by jump starting your car etc i herd they you can give huge spikes through the car blowing fuses killing or damaging computer stero amp etc so if you have an ecu in your car most do dont jump start it =)
  20. Ok guys can you guys tell me about the do and donts about driving in the yet with the cars we drive e.g skylines 180sx i have a tx5 telstar hahah old 87 and it shits me driving in the wet no control loss of traction very quickly hard to brake with out skidding hehe going at a normal speed my cars suspension is stuffed one and iam scared when i get my 180sx the problems i might have when driving in the yet? what have you guys learned about it is there anything you can do to reduce accidents etc in the yet? Thanks for your help Cheers
  21. actually hahah i didnt brake i let go of the excelerator and then turened the wheel and hamaered it then it went straght the other way then turned again and put my foot down lol not fast enough to get it stragh plus i didnt really know how to hahah and then as it was turning back i turnd the wheel opposite again slamed brakes and presto in the middle of the road hay i learned my lession =) and good hehe =)
  22. just do what i do have a fake bb gun in the back of your seat nice plastic metal one and if some **** ****s with ya you just pull the tringer and point hahahaha =) i have done it before =) i know its not good but fun somtimes their illegal too i think =0
  23. Hay guys just a question iam waiting for my car t come in from japan its been two months and it still hasnt left yet i just woundering about compliance plates and the new laws My importer has already booked a plate for the car. i wanted to know if the car got into australia but hadnt put the plate on by May 2003 and got the plate put on after the new law''s were enforced does that mean that they will have to take all the aftermarket parts off and destroy them even with the plate being a plate under the old law??? can any one help me out on this becuase iam very concerned about this and the amount of cars being imported at the moment iam sure there will be major delays
  24. first time that ever happend to me was when i was in my brothers rx 7 series I in the industrial area took a corner fast wanted to get the ass out and there was little gravel rocks on the floor i didnt notice =) car went full sideways i just say the Factory in front of me and everything slowed down and i THOUGHT FARKKKKKKK hahah some how ended up in the middle of the road not hitting anything and my Best buddy Doxx was there to see it hahahahaah =) after that i have taken much more care on the road and the way i drive =)
  25. says do luck on the front plate which means its proberly a do luck kit goto www.do-luck.com i think not sure somthing like that its got the link on meggalas site should be able to find it there cheers
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