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Everything posted by Dragon18

  1. iam not sure about this just taking a guess but it could be your altenator stuffing up or a connection to earth not sure any one else??? =)
  2. hay guys i wanted to know if any of you could help me i wanted to know why vehcles in japan get de regs and why the are not simply registerd and what makes them get de regsd and why cant a de regd vehcle be shiped out of the country just like another car thanks =)
  3. thats why theres rust where my battary was in the engine bay right where it sat proberly leaked cool =) haha =0(
  4. hay iam from that area hehe =)
  5. Hay guys my car is on its way and iam budgeting for some things id like to put on there? from what i have been told i have a stock ecu? the car a large fmic i think its hks, exhuast cold air intake, suspension sway bars and who knows what else lol. i think it was used for drifiting also its a 97 180sx =) it also has inside a profec b boost controler and some one said it might have the old style apexi afc but not to sure =) now if it does have a stock ecu? should i replace the old boost controler and put in an avcr and rsm? is it worth getting rid of the profec b or is it preety good? or leave that crap out and put in a power fc with hand controler? reason iam asking is with the mods the car has how well can the stock ecu perform with these mods??? e.g to performace pinging air fuel etc. and how much can the power fc help me with the kind of mods i have? Thanks for all the help guys.. ohh here is the link to the mods on my car from the last post. =) http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/sh...=&threadid=8021 Cheers
  6. well i was speaking to this guy today about battary and i told him i would be running 1000 ampliefer etc and running the battry into the car i said i was planning on getting a dry cell he goes you will kill it if you run your system and the car togeather i said iam not ganna be running the system on while the car is off he goes dosnt matter hehee. and i was speaking to him in regards to standard hydrogen battarys and he said dont matter if they in boot no harm ? so what you guys think he said i should put a small battary in the engine bay for the car and another battary in the boot for the sound system etc what you guys think? or reconmend i should do
  7. thanks skyline33 yeap tried em rang em but they dont have them =)
  8. Hay guys iam stuck hahah my car is missing sunvisors and i need some becuase cant get car road worthy with out them ? =) i have rang all the jap places in sydney non of them can get them i really need some i donno where to go any ideas dont care if its over seas or anything. or if any of you guys willing to sell me your hahah =) Thanks cheers
  9. well mine which is on the boat including insurance rego etc =) saved up most the cash and borrowed 7 k =)
  10. if you are talking about dry cell oddesy ones they are about 300 to 350 buckz for 1000 watt one =) i had to find out abit about them coz i need one in my 180sx boot =) thing is they weigh 20 kilo =) you can get em from autobarn i know that trying to find out some other places thought cheers
  11. hay where can we get these great battarys and how much do they cost hehe =)
  12. Hay guys i have just fond out that mounting braket for the stereo is missing in my car. i wanted to know if you guys knew if the 180sx one is the same as the silvia one and where abouts i could find somthing like that in melb?? Thanks =)
  13. hehe thanks for the info reason why i need a dry sell guys is becoz the battary has been moved from the engine bay to the boot and i cant have any hydrogen gases being released from the battary into the boot not legal i think so i had to 2 ways 1. i some out make a duck that lets all that shit out under the car or i buy a dry cell so my answer was dry sell hehe =) they costing me about 300 to 350
  14. well my car is a 97 model 180sx and iam preety sure after 96 they all came with air bags and my one got an aftermarket steering wheel but no airbag so have to see if it got one of those airbag lights hehe
  15. Thanks for your input MIKGTR well i just want it in there i dont mind if its not cams legal just if i can leave it in there i will dosnt bother me heheh =) so hope it all goes well ill take to to the vic roads my friends to their cars at they had heapz of mods and they didnt even ask about them hahah see how i go if any one can give me advise id appreciate it =) Cheers
  16. yea if you can buddy that be good? cigerate lighter box? what for hahaha? dont get it =)
  17. ok how stupid do i feel haha =) i went to the effort of ripping the whole page so this should work http://members.optushome.com.au/nickrakis/...s/standards.htm
  18. damn that didnt work wats wrong with this thing ill type it manually http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/vrne/vrnint...04A171BCD2A5F8F
  19. crap that link didnt work here it is Vic Roads Rules on Roll Bars
  20. i found some info on the roll cages etc on vic roads? http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/vrne/vrnint...04A171BCD2A5F8F hut i cant understand what they talking about is my cage legal hehe =) ? can any one translate =)
  21. well as for the front i will see how bad it is when it gets here if it is ill just get a new front bar i like and get it spraied iam good friends with some good panel beaters so they said about 1500 for the hole car sprayed which is good =) as for track work iam not sure it has dont it or not good thing is has all original seats etc no race seats and is comming with some service books =) as for the roll cage i live in vic and they are legal depending on how they are bolted onto the car etc but if worst comes to worst i might have to get it taken out the front par but if i can ill keep it =) if it requres a lil work then ill proberly take to an enginer to get it approved if its a big hassle then ill proberly take it out =)
  22. thanks man =0 yea rest of the pics are at PICS ARE HEREE!!!! hehe its a 97 180sx type x mods include suspension exhuast sway bars intercooler so far damn i have already bought my stero so hopefully they are in there if not? i might be in the shits hahah =) now that i found out what all those damn mods are iam getting scared hope the engine is ok hehehe =) let me know what ya think thanks for all the help =) i got it off craig from j - spec imports (really reconmend him) it was such a bargin i couldnt belive so i tock my chances and bought it =)
  23. sorry man hahaha =) INASNT got it right =)
  24. hahah awsome =) so i got my moneys worth then =) now i wanted to ask ? will that apexi power fc ... will it be in english or jap and if so? can it still be tuned here? =) also is it worth getting rid of the profec B boost controler and putting in an avcr =) ok guys so i know now that 1. is ECU Apexi Power FC 2. ??? 3 Profec B boost controler 4. boost guage =) 5 ??? also wanted to ask ? do you think i will get any hassles with that boost guage there? wont stop me from seeing things on the rd =) and if i took some things off the dash and there are holes do you guys know if its possible to repair the holes fix em etc =)? appreciate all your help guyes thanks =) the prize some free porn movies hahaha =)
  25. Thanks for your help guys i might label them in number so i know exactly what ya talking about heheh =) ill change the pic thanks for your help let me know -=)
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