Well, I'm hoping to get a buttload of overtime if work will pay up for the past week. Still it's not really sustainable, so I've been trying to budget everything in. I haven't actually gone to a bank yet to see what I can get, just working out what I can repay from their advertised rates and whatnot.
So far it looks like my best option will be a QPCU Personal Loan, don't need to f**k up my credit history and lose a car at the same time and the rate isn't that bad for unsecured loans.
(Yes, already joked about QPCU funding a stereotyped hoon car )
Will hopefully get a reply from our finance person at work to see if I can cut the tax I pay down a bit (I forgot that they probably had it down as a second job from when I did part time work for them). But failing that, I'll just have to save a bit, won't take long as I don't really spend much (trying to cut down buying computer stuff until I get a car).