Mark, if your task manager is still f**ked, here's something you can try.
Start -> Run -> regedit
You're looking for the following two values:
If they exist, delete them. Should give you your taskmgr back. If not, I can give you a version of taskmgr that I've modified a little bit so that it doesn't look to see if it should be disabled or not and just runs anyway.
I don't even know what it runs stock. Haven't been able to find any free details about it so it seems like I might have to go buy the service manual for it
Laffo, I don't think she'd care. It's the series 1 that looks older and dodgier then a normal series 1. TDI engine, sounds like a truck, can't miss it.
I need to find where I damaged the front left suspension on it sometime, makes a nice loud clunk when I turn right quickly... Quickly is relative btw.
Kidding, I live in Wavell Heights (Chermside/Nundah/Toombul/Kedron are all popular suburbs around mine). Unfortunatly I'm stuck driving my mums discovery until I can actually afford something decent