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Hell Fire

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Everything posted by Hell Fire

  1. Nah, I was there, I actually posted a little introduction post in whoretown, but like everything in whoretown it disappeared in the crap pretty quickly.
  2. Along with this, have you not been able to dyno it at all? Say because it's so low you can't get it up over the slight incline?
  3. I'm noone in particular . Just shitting around and getting attention. Wasn't particularly special.
  4. It has come to my attention that I may have been an asshole and trolled a couple of people in this thread during a lapse of sanity yesterday. I apologize and hope it can be put behind us. Also ooooh shiney
  5. I'm a newbie to these here forums and I'm interested in purchasing my first nail clipper. Can you tell me how it handles compared to say, a nail file or just teeth? What's its rear clip kw? What is the current condition of the lever? Will you take a trade for two pegs and a telephone adapter?
  6. Are you breaking up with me?! What did I do wrong?! Come on, let me fix what we had! lol
  7. Wow, it's the perfect web site, oh dam now I have to pay you more huh? How will I ever pay off this debt with my 12 year old child slave labour income!?
  8. Wow, what is this feeling? Is that my pride getting hurt? Nope, was just gas. Perhaps you could tell me where this "reply" function is? They treat us so badly and pay us so little "Everyone else"? What are you calling him for? Oh dear god, how could you have figured me out so fast? I suppose I should ask my mum about that too huh? Internet spies are everywhere
  9. Wow, that's the first time I've been called a psycho, thanks for your much needed advice, I will immediately arrange for Dr TV Entertainment Psychologist to come and do a special show for me. He will point be to religion and happy places and I'll once again be oblivious to all that happens. Thank you good sir, you've changed my life!
  10. Am I on the internet yet? And no, I don't really have any self esteem, it's not really a requirement in todays society. The idea that self esteem is needed comes from people needing to believe in something so that they can be something, it's easier to just not believe in anything and realise that you are just one of the billions of people that wander around looking for anything to f**k so you can spread your genes and try to preserve your particular species. Now, it's much easier to be able to make fun of yourself when you realise you're nothing but a worthless sack of molecules. As I said before, I don't care.
  11. I think the nachos have drugs, I see this white creamy liquid all over them, oh shit it just exploded all over my face. Guess they really were cock nachos.
  12. Only thing that scares me is your F5 ability. If you could hook up your F5 key to a drivechain you'd outrun everyone.
  13. Oh damn, was I a minute too early? Too late? Do I get a special tag if I create an account at the 'right' time? Argh, I'm missing out on so much
  14. Oh god the big bad forum guy is ebashing me with his giant ebat and huge postcount. What the hell do I do? Oh right, I don't care.
  15. least I'm not at work
  16. already @ home eating nachos, noticing the severe lack of :hi5:, so instead
  17. more details plz e: thanks
  18. Hello all, Just thought I'd introduce myself, I'm Adam, came along on Saturday with Mel and stole peoples chairs (next time will bring my own). I like computers and cars, quite the nerd, but also love the exhaust. Currently I drive my mums Pre-release/Series 1 Discovery with a 200TDI engine (before they fixed the more obvious faults), getting a new job in a couple of weeks so I'll be looking to get something decent for myself, figured I'd join and look around at what is to be seen. Dad has a 01 Mustang Cobra SVT sitting in storage somewhere that I get to drive occasionally when he's actually in Brisbane, pretty fun car, but he hates me redlining every gear, parents split up years ago, not much else to me then that. If anyone has any computer troubles, let me know and I'll see if I can give any tips. As for cars, I know a bit of the technical details that most know, but not much practical experience since I don't exactly get to pull apart any car. Edit: Oh, also, I believe I'm the only Discovery driver that has a ticket for "Creating Unnecessary Noise", but feel free to point out that being wrong
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