Hello all,
Just thought I'd introduce myself, I'm Adam, came along on Saturday with Mel and stole peoples chairs (next time will bring my own).
I like computers and cars, quite the nerd, but also love the exhaust.
Currently I drive my mums Pre-release/Series 1 Discovery with a 200TDI engine (before they fixed the more obvious faults), getting a new job in a couple of weeks so I'll be looking to get something decent for myself, figured I'd join and look around at what is to be seen.
Dad has a 01 Mustang Cobra SVT sitting in storage somewhere that I get to drive occasionally when he's actually in Brisbane, pretty fun car, but he hates me redlining every gear, parents split up years ago, not much else to me then that.
If anyone has any computer troubles, let me know and I'll see if I can give any tips. As for cars, I know a bit of the technical details that most know, but not much practical experience since I don't exactly get to pull apart any car.
Edit: Oh, also, I believe I'm the only Discovery driver that has a ticket for "Creating Unnecessary Noise", but feel free to point out that being wrong