I have a 1999 R34 GT-T Triptronic. and the instrument panel has been playing up. When i am driving the speedo and rev meter max out and than everything on the pannel (speed, rpm, fuel, temp and odo) all go to zero (odo goes blank). After about 5 min the fule and temp usually come on first and than a few sec later the speedo and rpm will come back. When they come back they are way out. I will be doing 60 and the speedo says 120. If i keep driving it will max out again and repeat what i said eairler.
Sometimes the engine light will come on for a few sec after the panel has died for a few mins but than usually about a 30sec - 1min after everything will flick back on again. Under 1 situation i actually lost 1km on my odo.
I only purchased the car about 3 weeks ago and i have taken it back after 1 week coz this happened to me after the first day. They told me the comp needed re-setting or the battery needed changing. I left it overnight and they said they reset the comp. All worked fine till today.
Anyone have any idea what it is and how much AUD$ it will cost to fix.