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Everything posted by SCR34M

  1. oh yes, it will happen, yes it will!! mwhaahahaahaa!! um, yeah should be a good cruise, even though i wont be in my 34(so not fair) ill be riding shotgun in one of those lancer things... come on chi, you better come, bring ya mums car, who cares...lol
  2. I wish eh, wanna give the 34 a session when the coilovers go in... unfortunatly i dont have my cams license yet, simply cant afford it yet... but good luck, might drop down and have a look though!!
  3. man some of you guys are payin way too much for insurance eh, jesus christ, 2000 plus excess is horsesh*t!! even 1000... seriously, shop shop shop and shop around some more eh, like i said b4, my excess is only $250, thats it, and thats for a R34 2 door... As for mods, they not too picky about what mods you have, when my 33 was written off(thanks to the f*$ker that pulled out in front of me) i had illegal gauges, front mount, bov, turbo timer, boost controller, hid's, massive exhaust you know the whole shabang, they didnt even care... the only thing they told me this time was that i cant have boost controller, big no no to them, but in the end, if its a write off i dont think they give too much of a damn eh!! just tell em its as close to stock as possable... easy as!!
  4. lmao, wheni had my 33, i rang RAC, heard from a few mates they were good, i got my finance through them so i figured why not get them to insure it... so i call them up, start the application, then she asks what car is it, I WAS F*$KING GOBSMACKED!!... sorry we dont insure skylines! So they would give me the money for the car, but not insure their own investment... what a bunch of tools Anyways, now i go through HBF, hate the god damn hold music but they have givin me the best prices, for my 33 it was $1600 a year and $200 excess.. now with the 34 its $1700 and $250 excess!! I dont know if its just me but it seems insurance companies give out different quotes all the time... i guess some of us just get lucky whereas some just get rooted up the ass!!...lol so good luck eh!
  5. i wanna come but i dont know if ill be able to afford it, with just moving up to Yanchep and all funds are tight... but if i do decide to come down, where do i get these forms... and i can definatly sort out cams on the day right?
  6. So let me get this straight, as soon as you get your licence your getting a GTR???? As your first car??? NOT a smart move and how do parents fly for that anyways?? ... not tryin to bring ya down bro, just that kinda car as a first is so not a good idea, i reckon you should at least wait a year b4 you go gettin a gtr... but your life your decision i guess!!
  7. how soon till this dyno thing gets going?
  8. maybe i could jump from car to car...
  9. yeah dudette im ridin with you... im gonna have to bring some piss i think though, then i can pretend it turbo and make pssshhh sounds all the way...lol
  10. oh man, so not fair, non turbo's only, can i come just to chop you all...actually id prolly get chopped myself by a few of yas... lol anyone got a na silvia i can borrow for the evening...lol
  11. lol, hi... funny how some usernames dont match up with the person huh... i wonder if i can change mine!!
  12. yeah back at ya bro, that wing is crazy!!...lol
  13. wtf... i dont know what im doing, sorry bout the double post, i dont know why but for some reason i thought i was posting in spotted thread... what a dumbass!!
  14. and here i was thinking this story was going to get interesting...lol... good job though...
  15. hey jess you dont get your work dome by kensei garage do you?.. might have seen your car in there b4... if not saw a white 34 gtt in wangara this morning, was coming home from work so wasnt really paying attention
  16. would love to come but being a southside cruise and im from the northside... yeah, too much in fuel! Hope you get a good turnout though!
  17. hell yeah, i been waiting for one of these day cruises... im there for sure... hopefully a nice turnout like last time!
  18. haha, so thats what happened, i was the same, got out the car next to some hot little blondie in a mini truck with tray painted up, walked accross to talk, then we are leaving, some dude said wrong car park, so followed thinking was just around the corner then end up at next meet point...lol... but yeah i feel ya pain bro, the whole bringin the girlfriend thing dont work for me either... instead try bringing some other chick, or one of ya mates, much more fun...mine was asleep through most of it last night....lol
  19. not to be an asshole or anything... but did anyone else find the the type of car stolen then the plates combined funny... omg... cry... sorry, was funny in my head!
  20. holy sh!t.. im so offended... mr mags web site dont have a listing for nissan... all this other sh!t and no nissan...
  21. awesome cruise last night... thanks to all those that actually had time to talk to a noob... lol... cant wait fopr next one...
  22. SCR34M

    Open Cruise

    most ppl well behaved... not me, sorry... i was naughty... couldnt really help myself, had like a crowd yelling burnout burnout and so on.... but on the bright side, i didnt have sauwa stickers up... so sorry is in order i guess... but i enjoyed it!! so
  23. SCR34M

    Open Cruise

    hey man hows about that map?
  24. supraaah, how long ago dod you buy your 34??... i got mine not so long ago, bout a month now... i dont know if its just me, but i find this car boring compared to my 33 i had... plus whenever i drive this thing for a while it makes me sleepy... you get the same bro or is it just me... not sayin i dont like the car, just doesnt make me as happy as the 33 did...
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