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Everything posted by SCR34M

  1. i know this has been covered b4, but i searched and could only find threads relevant that were posted pre 05.. I am looking for someone to paint and fit my full URAS kit on my 34... dont care who does it really as long as they do a decent job!! As stated i need this done asap.... just need to know who, how much and when??? Or if i paint myself, who can fit it for cheap? Cheers Guy
  2. SCR34M


    Not sure about WA... but try here... http://www.jracing.com.au/product.php?pid=34
  3. haha, well, looks like ill be up for this one... my sexy bitch of a car should be done in under 2 weeks...wooohoooo
  4. TELSTRA and their FCUKING INDIAN phone staff.....aaaaaaggggghhhhhh!
  5. Big thanks to Brad... was going to borrow but figured ill need more than one use out of them especially for those times when the po po try to yellow my car... no sir i will raise it right now if you like...lol, so yeah, i thought id just buy em... Thanks again!!
  6. thanks alot guys, Brad?... i just sent you a message, but if you read this before... will they definatly fit my hks hypermax?? I'd prefer to buy them hey... but if you have none in stock then ill just borrow for now... either way, when can i pick it up?
  7. ok i will let everyone know tomorrow if its a go...
  8. lmfao... omg... i cant stop laughing... Sorry?
  9. lmfao.. no And no... where are they... do they have a site or do i have to visit store?
  10. ok, tried for ages to find a c spanner for my hks hypermax coilovers, seems no one stocks them or its just too damn hard... So my question here is, HAS ANYBODY GOT ONE I CAN USE FOR THE WEEKEND... NEED THEM ASAP My car is so close to going over pits, and this is stopping me!! If so gimmie a call on 0404726323 Cheers Guy
  11. k boys, just moved to a new work premisis this week, may be able to use the workshop... can easily fit 6 cars in at a time... no hoists or nothing, just a big well lit workshop... will find out tomorrow if we can use it, that is if you guys would rather do it there... also its in wangara... so can chuff some road when done... lemme knwo what yathink... oh btw I found another place to get all the service parts i listed b4, including the other belts... so as a result i will be buying next friday now... also lemme know on that...
  12. what bitches?
  13. man, this kinda thing sucks, i was so pissed last time it happened to me, not at fault but what can can ya do... seems people just love to drive into my skylines... anyways, last time i had to claim, i didnt even do the police report, too much messin around, just got the details, got the car towed, went home... problem with insurance is you have to make them work for YOUR money.... you will probably be waiting a month and a half before you get your car back... depending on who your with i guess... oh and btw... call them and ask to change to an aftermarket kit! will prob cost less also... dependant on how much damage was done of course!!
  14. ok guys, this is what i have come up with... for the guys that need the full service: * Genuine Nissan Water Pump * Genuine Nissan Timing Belt * Genuine Nissan Tensioner Spring * Genuine Timing Belt Tensioner Spring * Genuine Timing Belt Idler Spring * 3 x Cam/Crank Seals (They are the same seals) * 6 x Stock/Minimal Modifications, NGK BKR6EIX spark plugs All this for $500 including delivery... i will probably be ordering these at the end of the week... if you guys want this kit, let me know before mid week(a group buy may be possible if enough interst) as ill be ordering Friday...
  15. lol, take care says the speed demon himself... classic... should be a good one, yours always are!!
  16. Yeah was a decent turnout, i was in my mates s13... 34 not finished yet so had to borrow a car for the night, plus had not been on a cruise for a while... was a decent map, but i bailed after whitfords. where were you guys going, the ones that left whitfords and hit the freeway south i mean??
  17. My 34 stockies are possibly the sexiest stockies ever... Tell me im wrong!...lol
  18. shit knows man... thats just what they told me... prolly bearings to roll away wondering"did i just get jacked?"...lol
  19. k i got quoted from a friend at nissan today... $418... that gives you, timing belt, water pump, all seals and all bearings... is this good or bad... i was going to get it for $360 but seems prices have gone up... must be the oil in the bearings making it jump!!...lol F#$king price rise on everything gives me the shits!... wheres my payrise!!!!!!!
  20. Hey guys, not many of you saw my last beast, just dug out some pics b4 she was written off(thank to a falcon driver)... was my first skyline and she was a beast, i fell in love with her... Wont show pics of the car smashed as i dont have the pics anymore... enjoy!
  21. ok im happy with the 21st... everyone else good with that too... can we please organize a list of people getting service done, and ppl attending to help... also... Who needs to buy the parts? If you already have them, please inform where from and how much!! I will inform tomoorow how much mine will cost!
  22. Any date in june is good for me, the later the better though as my car is about 2 - 3 weeks away from being back on the road...
  23. Oh and whats with the trader rating? I have sold and bought a couple of things off here... still 0! Or do you have to be a big trader to change it?
  24. im taking a trip to nissan tomorrow to see what price they will do, waiting on my friend to get back to me also... getting a quote from jap parts WA also... so should know by tomorrow or the next day
  25. so ugh, how much negative feedback do you guys need to realize that this is not a good idea?
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