I'd like to see someone show me this. I know this cos I went through the process of looking for one. Fair enuf I bought mine almost a year and a half ago but since then I've tried to find some for friends.... we've looked at both local and importers...
If you could go to any importer and say to them I want a GOOD, GENUINE KM, not thrashed R33 GTR Series 3 for $45K you've got a good deal..... fair enuf they may find you one CLOSE to this price but you've never seen the car, dunno what its been though, have no warranty etc etc.... Locally it would be evn harder..
Another problem is this.... there is a "Series 3 R33 GTR" at a reknown classic car yard on City Road ..not mentioning names.. with a series 3 GTR about a month or two ago... they had xenons, but no red stiching and missing one airbag.... hmm. Another wholesaler out in the Zetland area had an R33 GTR Series 3 but it had a series 1 front bar, Xenons, again missing red stitching etc etc.... Anyway sometimes just gotta be careful whether you actually are buying a series 3...