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Everything posted by 400HP

  1. 400HP

    Hks Ssq Bov

    haha sorry dude.... I had one... I needed two ... but I've decided to sell mine and just get a brand new kit. Thanks anyway
  2. I think this is actually normal. This has been happening in my skyline ever since i bought it. It seems a bit better for about a week when i got my plugs replaced. Anyway its not a big issue as its jsut when it starts up and its fine after that so I wolnd't worry about it. I have also dynoed my car recently and all seems to be normal.
  3. I'm not sure what you need done but if its dented or sratched or whatever you can take it to Tempe and try them.
  4. dude you can take it to a workshop or most mecahnics and they can tell you... I'm not sure when else... I guess maybe every 10 000km if you do some trackwork...
  5. dodgy half asian you mean!
  6. here are the pics from the day http://members.optushome.com.au/yangsaw/DynoDay/
  7. Top Secret have 2 ltre (Mr2 engine) JZA Supra due to the intention to race in the 2 ltr category..... dunno what this car was for..... looks fugly with the stickers though...
  8. Eric theres a place on the North shore i know that did a good job for my old car.... could be far for you call me if you want info.
  9. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: E46 M3 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. 400HP

    Hks Ssq Bov

  11. Dude I reckon its useful cos people want to post things that can be loction specific as said before such as things about NSW or VIC or WA tuning shops, cruises or other small events, insurance etc etc etc
  12. Guys.... thanks for coming. It ended up being a great day with a good mix of cars. Here are the results which I have split into interesting categories. OVERALL POWER Nick RH9 (R33 Skyline GTR, Highly modified) 290kw @ all 4 wheels Andrew (R33 GTS-T, Highly modified) 263kw @ rw NICOT (E36 M3 Convertible) 157kw @ rw without exhaust, 173kw @ rw with exhaust BLOWN3 (Turbo 318is) 170kw @ rw Majanal (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 162kw @ rw with 0.9 bar, 141kw @ rw with 0.55 bar SERGE (E36 M3) 153kw @rw Yang (Skyline GTR) 150kw @ all 4 wheels Scott (S14 200SX) 141kw @ rw Xrsist (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 140kw @ rw Roland (Porsche Boxster-S) 140kw @ rw Joe (R32 Skyline GTS-T) 130kw @ rw Marcus (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 130kw @ rw Andrew (S14 200SX) 130kw @ rw Henry (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 127kw @ rw Daniel (S15 200SX) 120kw @ rw RONIN (Turbo MR2) 115kw @ rw Ken/Kelvin (Supra SZ) 108kw @ rw 2FLYBY (Alpina 2.7L) 103kw @ rw Bob (Mercedes ML320) 101 kw @ all 4 wheels Rob (MY01 WRX) 100kw @ all 4 wheels M PWR (635csi) 95kw @ rw Marcus' friend (Integra Type-R) 85kw @ rw StygiaN (MR Lancer) 62kw @ rw ULTIM8DTM5 (Corsa) 45kw @ rw TURBO Nick RH9 (R33 Skyline GTR, Highly modified) 290kw @ all 4 wheels Andrew (R33 GTS-T, Highly modified) 263kw @ rw BLOWN3 (Turbo 318is) 170kw @ rw Majanal (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 162kw @ rw with 0.9 bar, 141kw @ rw with 0.55 bar Yang (Skyline GTR) 150kw @ all 4 wheels Scott (S14 200SX) 141kw @ rw Xrsist (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 140kw @ rw Joe (R32 Skyline GTS-T) 130kw @ rw Marcus (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 130kw @ rw Andrew (S14 200SX) 130kw @ rw Henry (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 127kw @ rw Daniel (S15 200SX) 120kw @ rw RONIN (Turbo MR2) 115kw @ rw Rob (MY01 WRX) 100kw @ all 4 wheels NATURALLY ASPIRATED NICOT (E36 M3 Convertible) 157kw @ rw without exhaust, 173kw @ rw with exhaust SERGE (E36 M3) 153kw @rw Roland (Porsche Boxster-S) 140kw @ rw Ken/Kelvin (Supra SZ) 108kw @ rw 2FLYBY (Alpina 2.7L) 103kw @ rw Bob (Mercedes ML320) 101 kw @ all 4 wheels M PWR (635csi) 95kw @ rw Marcus' friend (Integra Type-R) 85kw @ rw StygiaN (MR Lancer) 62kw @ rw ULTIM8DTM5 (Corsa) 45kw @ rw 4WD Nick RH9 (R33 Skyline GTR, Highly modified) 290kw @ all 4 wheels Yang (Skyline GTR) 150kw @ all 4 wheels Bob (Mercedes ML320) 101 kw @ all 4 wheels Rob (MY01 WRX) 100kw @ all 4 wheels 2WD Andrew (R33 GTS-T, Highly modified) 263kw @ rw NICOT (E36 M3 Convertible) 157kw @ rw without exhaust, 173kw @ rw with exhaust BLOWN3 (Turbo 318is) 170kw @ rw Majanal (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 162kw @ rw with 0.9 bar, 141kw @ rw with 0.55 bar SERGE (E36 M3) 153kw @rw Scott (S14 200SX) 141kw @ rw Xrsist (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 140kw @ rw Roland (Porsche Boxster-S) 140kw @ rw Joe (R32 Skyline GTS-T) 130kw @ rw Marcus (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 130kw @ rw Andrew (S14 200SX) 130kw @ rw Henry (R33 Skyline GTS-T) 127kw @ rw Daniel (S15 200SX) 120kw @ rw RONIN (Turbo MR2) 115kw @ rw Ken/Kelvin (Supra SZ) 108kw @ rw 2FLYBY (Alpina 2.7L) 103kw @ rw M PWR (635csi) 95kw @ rw Marcus' friend (Integra Type-R) 85kw @ rw StygiaN (MR Lancer) 62kw @ rw ULTIM8DTM5 (Corsa) 45kw @ rw Sorry if I got some of them wrong by 1 or 2 kw but its what people told me Also tell me if i missed anyone... Cheers
  13. I got RB25's.... apparently they're similar to the 74's.... anyway I spoke to various people since yesterday and the best solution seems to be to bed the pads in, wear them down for a week or two, put the shims back in with the no squeak spray as well... and hope for the best...
  14. guys as I said before please bring $50 as I've had a few late pull outs (although I think we shold still ghave plenty of people on the day)... Thanks
  15. Sorry ... just to revisit this old thread..... I installed my RaceBrakes pads today into the GTR rears and I COULD NOT fit the pads in with the shims as well.... So i totally removed the shims and installed just the pads... does anyone know if there is any problem with this? Also I just started using the brakes and theres a fair bit of sqeual... is this cos they're new ??
  16. 400HP


    no worries man... check out the dyno day thread in events... but yeh will call you to confirm.
  17. DYNO DAY DETAILS Date: Saturday 17th August Place: 34-36 O'Dea Ave Waterloo (call me if you need directions). Time: Con has stated that cars should be at the venue no later than 9am (PM me if this is a problem). However you may have the opportunity to run your car till later. I think it will most likely be first come first serve unless you arrange with me beforehand. Cost: $40 (please bring $50 because if lots of people pull out it will be this much. Sorry about that but I think we'll have fill ins on the day anyway). C&V's TERMS (which they have stated to me verbally.. but these are pretty standard and quite acceptable terms) - All cars are to be parked at the workshop outside. - Please do not enter the workshop and walk around because there are other customer's cars there. - DO NOT enter the Dyno area unless you are given permission to do so as it is dangerous. - When its your cars turn to dyno your car will be driven into the workshop by a C&V staff and the dyno run will be run by C&V staff. - No responsibility will be taken by any of the C&V crew on damage to cats which could occur on the dyno (now this relates to engine and mechanical failures.... obviously if C&V do not strap your car down properly or do something which is obviously their fault they are probably liable...) NOTES Could these people please let me know their time preferences... AND if they are content to do just 1 run.... you can do 1 or 2 but please only do 2 if you are going to change something... all 25 or so cars will do one run before anyone does their second run. Soopamarcus (R33 Skyline GTS-T) Majanal (R33 Skyline GTS-T) trza2k (S15 200SX) trza2k's friend #1 (R32 Skyline GTS-T) trza2k's friend #2 (R33 Skyline GTS-T) Xrsist (R33 Skyline GTS-T) Thanks
  18. Well yep Franks..... I believe basically (I'm don't guarantee this) but if you relieve more pressure its loader... and less presure is quieter... We'll see at the end of this week
  19. Many BOV's have adjustible springs or whatever that allow you to change how loud it is.
  20. 400HP


    Marcus.... dunno about Mobil R but many friends use Mobil 1.... Motul is used by many places including UAS.... oh and I forgot.. NISMO use it as well... those are both fine. For more exp stuff you can try Royal Purple which is sold at C&V. I have Hytech (or however you spell it) which is the standard oil used by Hill Motorsports (where i got my car serviced) and also C&V use this. I think any of the above will be fine for your car... you jsut need to find out what grade... maybe 10W40? not sure. But definitely run a search man... If you are gonna get a service go to Hills motorsports... or gie me a call I can talk to you about it Cheers
  21. Andrew ... wow man!! inspiration as always
  22. I'm not trying to argue with anyone but obviously you must have insured your car for a while now because in NSW suncorp no longer insure imports for a sane price.. GTS-T and GTR under my name were both over $10K... even though I have another car with them and still do. I didn't say ALL parts.... just most.... as most bolt on's (and i did say CHEAPER kind of bolt ons) are not turbo related. anyway this is MY opinion and I'm absolutely sure many people wil disagree Anyway in regards to the oriugnal post... matching GTST power to GTR can be done yes.... although the GTR costs a lot more (often double in the beginning). If money ain't an issue then this is easy. However I think it is commonly accepted that after a certain threshold that GTR power building is easier and cheaper than GTS-T. Cheers
  23. I disagree with some of the previously mentioned points. I have found on a stock GTR and stock GTS-T they have similar fuel consumption and insurance costs (YES!).... many people who have recently insured their GTS-T's have paid around $3K or more... I'm 22 and have 20% NCB and have insured my GTR for not a lot more considering the value of the car is double so if i do write it off theres more risk.... Also a lot of people say ... I'd rather have a GTS-T for the RWD.... although this is valid GTR's are in RWD mode probably 90% of the time and the other 10% of the time if i were in a RWD I'd be wishing for an AWD.... basically the ATTESA system proportions power to the rear wheels unless taking a real hard corner or launching.... Panels and parts for a GTR are as expensive as a GTS-T (I am not talking about mods). The only bad point is the expense of upgrading turbos etc. But MANY of the parts are stil similar.... most of the cheaper bolt ons are twice as much such as air intake, BOV's etc.... but booost controller, ECU, exhaust, all other electronics, intercooler, clutch etc etc etc are the same cost.
  24. Personally I would take a GTR over a modded GTS-T.... that being said I took a certain person on this forum to get their new toy today (modded GTS-T) and I think it would eat my GTR on a straight.... and possibly around the track I woudln't say a lightly modded GTS-T would come that close to the performance of a GTR.... If its power that your after then yes its possibly. BUT its not EASY to get RELIABLE power. With more power you'll have to consider upping your brakes, clutch, injectors, ECU etc etc.... If its total package performance you're going to need more such as brakes and suspension.
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