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  1. Thanks all. SEVS eligibility is one thing.... But an accredited RAWS that has submitted the evidence pack, been approved and now has plates available is probably another. Because the dotars 'search for a raws' still has zero entries for the R35 gtr. http://raws.infrastructure.gov.au/rawswebpublic/RAWPubSearch.asp#results And the fact that I never heard of a single compliance workshop that does these cars... Makes me think some import brokers are perhaps a bit 'ahead of the curve' (I'm sure someone would be welcome to buy and provide the test vehicle for the evidence pack... But I'm too consumed by other things to want to do that). My guess is that the lack of price differential between jdm and adm r35 gtr is what has deterred compliance shops from pursuing the R35 gtr. After all, not only do you have the snafu instrumentation issue to deal with (all in Japanese) but the lack of service history, the inability to see the car, yadda yadda yadda.... I guess you'd want a 15k discount on the local product in order to want to buy the jdm derivative. And as Joshua points out, only being able to get the earliest model is a further drawback. Oh well...... Back to the drawing board....
  2. Is it possible to import an R35 Gtr from Japan now? I'm aware some of the better known importers have made reference to this as being possible, but I see no official mention of this anywhere. Furthermore, I don't see a Raws listed on the dotars website who could comply an r35. There are also none for sale on carsales, but I doubt this is simply because there is insufficient price difference between Japan and Australia. I'd think it supports the theory that these still aren't eligible for import yet. Given I've now missed out on a shmick r33 gtr vspec 3 which would have set me back 90k, and then an r34 gtr v which was on the wrong side of 280k.... It seems ludicrous that I'd continue to look at cars in that price range before considering the newer, better r35 gtr. Cheers Jez
  3. feedback from relevant federal department received today..... The Department is seeking to have legislation introduced into Parliament that, if passed by Parliament, will postpone the commencement of the RVSA. However, until that legislation is passed by both houses of Parliament, we are still working to be ready for a commencement date of 10 December and hence the saying 'caveat emptor'. there's a good chance that anyone who has bought such a car and is currently storing it overseas might just find their storage fees will continue on in perpetuity...if the department stalls the legislation into the never never... maybe we'll never access these cars. gotta love agenda and the subjugation of democracy to profit the few...in this case new vehicle retailers
  4. No - not at all interested in P plate regulations. Let's take your example of a Century for instance (although I am surprised that this would be eligible under limited production...but I have just googled and indeed some makes or even variants may meet the criteria). Assuming you want one of these century's - will the new system be like the old one, where; first someone must apply to get it on a register of approved vehicles (SEVS) engineers must submit 'evidence packages' (or whatever they are called) compliance agents (RAWS) then comply the car according to the approved package Or is it likely to be more like the current 30-year rule - where you can import an eligible limited production vehicle (and by the way - who makes this decision and where is it published?) and simply get it registered to state laws? The only person I have spoken to so far says 'nobody has any clue of how this is going to work' - but on the other hand - I believe importers are already offering to buy and store these cars. So...how can (or why would) you buy a car if you do not know how to get it 'complied and registered'? What if the bill is $10,000 and not $1500?
  5. It's been a fair while since I've been on the forums....or anywhere near an import to be honest (just spent 4 weeks in Japan...saw 2 Supras and 3 Skylines.... these things are just nowhere to be seen anymore). I see that there have been some changes to importing legislation made recently, and I am wondering if anyone on the forums has any knowledge of what these new rules mean; 1. 25 year rule - well, I guess this one is pretty simple. I presume it is simply month/year of production and - like the old 15 year rule - these cars will need to be complied at the 'state level' (ie not SEVS RAWS - but you get them engineered to the relevant state requirements) 2. Changes to the SEVS / RAWS - I believe that cars like the Nissan R35 GTR (2007-2008) will soon be permissible, but it doesn't sound like there will be that many more 'jaw droppers' than we can currently get under SEVS / RAWS. I guess this means that cars will require a process similar to the current compliance process (similar but not the same....from the customers perspective you still pay a couple or a few thousand and wait for several weeks, to be told that your car now complies to Australian rules) 3. Can anyone shed light on the new 'variant' rule? My understanding is that it only applies where a 'variant' was made to less than 100 units per year, which includes both LHD and RHD. Given most sports cars are usually made in higher volume for LHD....that would generally mean no more than 10-20 RHD units made per year of manufacture. I cannot think of many cars (aside from ultra expensive collector cars) that fit this criteria. If a car is produced from (say) June 2012 to June 2013 - is that regarded as 2 years (200 units), or 1 year (100 units)? Any thoughts on the advantages of the new rules with regards to turbo or similar performance vehicles? Cheers, Foibles
  6. And given an improving USA economy...and suggestions that prices for their own classics is now increasing domestically...offset against an AUD that has just fallen to 71c overnight....and already has many Yankee classics for sale domestically....it is probably cheaper to buy here than import....before considering the logistical hell that is asbestos compliance. I see the market declining further and further. I know there are some who are trying to remain positive around possible 'loosening' of import legislation and regulations.....but the recent change of PM robbed us of several sitting days of parliament. We may now see a change of political agenda....and the long awaited changes may very possibly not materialise at all....and we may face an early election before we know it. Guess what happens then? All proposed bills are abandoned....and these changes....mooted since 2014....start all over again, and we're left guessing what the ALPs agenda may be. There is a very, very real risk that any and all changes will be lost....and we may see nothing at all until 2020.... if at all.
  7. Nah.... that'll be horse sh*t. More to the point....it's probably a case of 'devil is in the detail'. Could be they're just spruiking their white paper to grab your personal data on their splash page....but what I suspect is skewing the data would be new car imports to Aus from us....such as Tesla and Mustangs. London to a brick classic Yankee car imports have slowed down....some people will tell you it is completely paralysing the industry....which is what I believe.....others, such as a previous poster on this thread, will tell you 'nothing to see here'.
  8. so it is a two owner car? (i.e was it one owner in Japan prior to your purchase?) when has it been serviced, and by whom (presumably not Nissan!). do you still have the stock parts? and what is the odometer now sitting on? are you sure that they are factory wheels? I had 3 x V36 SP's in my time (genuine SP's) - none for about 4 years, but I don't recall rims that looked like that...
  9. still for sale?
  10. I just caught up with a mate whom I haven't seen in 9 months. Last time I saw him he was talking of importing a late 90's Aston (he has the $$). I just saw him yesterday and he was saying that he would not think of importing any car given the new rules around checking for asbestos. He then mentioned how a bunch of Maserati owners overseas, who were bringing their rare, collectible, concourse condition to Australia for a cruise week during the Grand Prix, had their cars impounded at the port and were refused entry. Each has had their car turned back (to Europe) so their week-long trip has now been destroyed - at massive personal cost to each. https://www.motoring.com.au/australian-border-patrol-nabs-maseratis-111746/ I'm not really going to lose sleep for these people, but it raises some important points around importing, such as; * Has anyone actually successfully imported a car under the new rules? If so, did they actually comply with the rules, or merely escape 'detection'? * Border Force - as is typical of any public service function - seems unwilling or unable to fully specify just how someone must comply. For instance....I have heard that after a specific manufacture build date, all cars will be deemed 'OK' (as that is when asbestos parts were no longer used) - however this still seems wishy-washy because; a) nobody can actually say what this month and year of build is b) nobody wants to admit that asbestos parts could still have been retro-fitted to these cars at a later date. * My understanding is that the 'gold standard' evidence package (if I could call it that) is to have an accredited, certified, asbestos testing professional run a series of tests on a car at their own testing facility, whereby they must sample pieces of gasket, heat shields, brake pads and linings, clutch plates, etc etc - at their premises - and then test these samples and - if all is clear then submit a written report with official NATA-style certification letter head, with the importer to show invoice from and payment to this overseas consultant. To be quite frank, this service would run to thousands of dollars....and made more complex by the fact that the importer would not have wanted to buy the car yet (in case it fails the asbestos test)....and so also requires a very tolerant seller who is happy to have their vehicle carted away for some forensic style testing. Despite all the (apparently, but not really) good news about changes to import laws such as a 25 year rule...these changes now look absolutely dead in the water. In fact, I would say the situation is now worse, because all vehicles prior to a certain year (whatever that year is) may be affected, so even SEVS cars such as Skylines and Supras may be affected. Does anyone have slightly more helpful insight into the new asbestos rule, how it affects imports, and how to comply? I ask this because one prominent importer is already advertising a 'pre-law change' buying service for potential 25 year imports - but they make no mention of the risk of asbestos tests needing to be carried out on these cars, and I suspect that a truly massive caveat emptor applies to these cars (not just because they are being bought in advance of legislative change, but mainly because there is no indication as to how they will comply with the asbestos ruling).
  11. Changes to import laws There was a lot of hype and promise around changes to vehicle importing legislation about a year ago. However, it seems most of this has completely disappeared off the legislative radar. I thought 3 changes were planned; 1. Allowing Australians to import a new car 2. Reducing prohibitions of used cars by relaxing the year of manufacture from pre-1989, to a 25 year rule 3. Changes to SEVS It now seems only Item 1 is due to get up (in fact it is now 'going to happen') - however even this appears to have been massively watered down. From what I can see, the rules are pretty onerous, but essentially, mean that Australians are limited to obtaining a RHD car from UK or Japan that is 12 months old at most (presumably by the time it rolls into a RAWS workshop - meaning 9 months when it is purchased overseas) and 500klms max (meaning 450klms for safety's sake lest those managing the logistics take it for a drive.....certainly no driving a car on trade plates to a RAWS...lest the 500klms be breached). From what I can see.....there's little scope for anyone to be interested in privately importing such a car - simply because the time, the risks and the issues (no warranty, etc), but mainly - the lack of depreciation as the car is essentially still a demonstrator model - mean we'd be better off buying the locally delivered model. I can see some scope for those who want cars that beat waiting lines at the showroom.....or special requests on specs.....but not really an economic advantage. Thoughts?
  12. Confirming Japanese sales data Hi All, I'm currently considering buying a Euro car, but one that was actually imported into Australia via Japan. It is for sale via a dealership (not an import yard...just a normal new and used car dealership) The car has very low mileage (digital dash, which at current reading suggests about 2500klms per year) - however there is no paperwork for this car. Unfortunately, the dealership is largely throwing their hands up in the air re documents - suggesting that they cannot locate anything at all. It's an expensive car (well over $50K), and it seems strange that anyone would be so blasé about the lack of service history or related documents. Of course, it is entirely possible that they have no documents...but I am cautious anyway. Can anyone here tell me the best single source to go to, to confirm what I am after, which includes; * Was the car delivered new into Japan, or did it go via UK? * What auction rating was it given (if indeed it went through the auction system) * What price did it sell for at auction? * What mileage was recorded upon sale at auction? I appreciate that there will be a fee for this - that is fine. I'd happily do a PPSR (Aus) or HPI (UK) check, but it seems they'll tell me far less than a Japan check. However, I am not sure what is available. Thoughts? Cheers, Foibles
  13. what is the $12000 special duty? anyone who reads any of the news about proposed changes to importing legislation couldn't fail to notice continual references (by journalists) to the fact that "...the special duty of $12000 will also be abolished" i am utterly convinced that journalists....politicians....department heads....and public servants alike have zero understanding of what they are talking about. whilst I've actually reviewed the very legislation that makes reference to this duty....i have no idea under what circumstances it would be applied. I've even written to customs requesting clarification and....as one would expect.....they are far too busy as public servants to actually ....serve the public. can anyone enlighten me as to when and why this duty may be applied...as opposed to the standard 5% duty on purchase price...and 10% GST on landed cost?
  14. Does anyone know which political party is more likely to represent the interests of this community - with regards to vehicle import legislation to be introduced before or after elections? (I am presuming most SAU members would rather see a more open importing framework, rather than a more prohibitive one?!) Without wanting or even trying to be political, my guess is; * Libs have stated their intended policy (on DPI / DoT websites) but really have no ambition or timeframe to push this at all. Darren Chester (Minister for Transport) is solely focussed on RSRT legislation and also infrastructure works - so it is likely the status quo will persist for a long time yet under this government * ALP - if anything - would presumably make vehicle imports even tougher, and I'd not be surprised if a 'soft target' tax was imposed or increased (most people would not lose sleep if duty went back from 5% up to 10 or 15%). But ALP have been silent on this. * Greens are probably the most 'anti' to open trade, and would likely ramp up those little niceties such as ozone regulations or fuel consumption targets, etc. I could see them raising the duties and levies a fair bit. I think these guys fully support a much higher LCT rate. * I know for a fact that the Lleyjonhelm (Dem Libs) support an even more open importing framework - basically adopting productivity commission findings, meaning very few restrictions on importing. But a) he'll be lucky to be returned b) he's NSW only and c) he's a fringe player I am just curious as to what anyone may KNOW (or suspect) with regards to how these elections may affect importing legislation into the future.
  15. I think what the OP means is more along the lines of someone to manage the logistics (although admittedly the import approval > compliance process cannot be overlooked). You could try mobs like Clarke Customs, CPS, Seaway, NMT Shipping - all are in Melbourne. Freight from Fiji to Australia may be nigh on impossible, especially as there will be no car carriers, only very infrequent bulk carriers, etc - would not be surprised if the cargo needed to go via Singapore intermodal hub, and then be changed over (I have zero knowledge on sea freight between Fiji and Australia). You'll also find that the costs of freight to port and from port are high - especially if cargo only lands in BNE not MEL port. Almost no doubt that you would be better off just selling it as it is, or if you have the stock parts, getting it returned to stock, air freighting your goodies back to Mel, etc...but unless you think that to buy that same car here would cost you $30K or upwards, I'd encourage selling it there. Out of interest - how did you get the car into Fiji in the first place? Did it come straight from Japan (I'd have though shipping from Japan to Fiji would be limited too)
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