G'day people very far west,
My employer is sending me to WA to work for a year, more specifically Kalgoorlie (yes i know its somewhat in the middle of no-where). Just wondering what things in the skyline world are like over there? Anyone here from Kalgoorlie? i've been told that there's a fair few nice imports in Kal (due to mining and good money i guess). Looking forward to meeting up with a few fellow enthusiast's, i'll be spending alot of time in perth aswell. Do you have many events such as track days, cruises, social gatherings etc?
I'm also considering taking my car over...work will ship it over for me, but still have a few things i want to consider such as what is the transport like (can you trust those responsible for moving your car?), where i'm saying (is there a lock up garage etc.) and what the general area is like (is it pretty safe or do 'nice' cars go missing)?
Whether I get my car over there or not look forward meeting new people and appreciate any thoughts/recommendations on what to do while over there in regards to the car....and general social stuff aswell