Cool thread and history. I guess I didn’t quite make the old school list 😢 but I was briefly an SDU member and I certainly feel old... I think I joined sau in 2002, maybe late in the year.
i’m passing through to give thanks to our son of rajab and creator Prank. He built (and kept running) this place. I learned so much here and met so many great people, many of which are close friends to this day. Thanks Prank. ❤️
For those wondering I do still have a GTR and like all good ones it spends most of its time in the garage...
I see my good buddy blitz has checked in above. He’s been a close friend now for more than 15 years, we have shared so many good times. Shonen has remained one of my close friends, plus he had the raddest 34GTT forever ago. brisby and I have caused mischief all over the world together and he still has the worlds best 32 GTST.
I’ll probably forget some names but there’s a whole cast of friends I made here in Duncan, Kel, fatz, 31silhouette, bobbyporsche, merli, dan, dif, shell, Dave, tosh, steveN1, russ, mark, stretch and more.
Thanks again PranK.