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Everything posted by Davosx

  1. Hey mate i never receved that pm, could u re send it please. cheers Dave
  2. How much for the hubs from the 5stud convo kit?
  3. Front and rear hubs? how much bud?
  4. Hey champ, got the hubs? if so then how much? cheers
  5. The injectors in the RB20 are they standard or aftermarket???
  6. Ok its been a month since anything has happened, i dont really want to start making any accusations but im starting to think this may be a scam. Prove me wrong
  7. S2 R33 turbo to bolt to RB20, how much shipped to brisbane 4123 champ? cheers
  8. Hey champ u selling a gearbox with that?
  9. Just letting everyone know that there wont be a cruse organised this fortnight as calum is working and the gearbox in my car let go this afternoon so i dont have a car now. but ill let everyone know about next fortnights cruse when it gets closer
  10. now 1st and 2nd are f*ked , wont go in and every other gear takes a bit of effort to get them im, so new gearbox for me
  11. Was a good turnout for the first time being held. will be doing it again next wednesday night (9th of april) hope to have the same turn out pluss a few more. IM GIVING U GUYS A WEEKS NOTIS SO COME ON!!! if anyone has any ideas on where to have the meet point or any other ideas to make the meets better/more enjoyable please let either my self or callum (chubs) know. we will have a cruse/mountain run or whatever after the meet but we will decide on that after so that we dont have any nasty suprises like what boostcruseing have, had a group of cops waiting for them when they kept going on about where they were going to be raceing eachother n all And its easy to spot me at the meets as im the only d!%k head that drives a 180 and does skyline meets So come along and bring ur friends
  12. hey guys you can count me in and Chubs will be making an appearance to. thats assuming lazy asses like us can wake up that early lol.
  13. Well if u cant make it in time for the sunnybank meet point we will be at mt cotha between 830 n 9 from memeroy. directions: ur coming from the coast yeah? so take the mt gravatt/ Logan rd exit - turn left at the lights, right at the 2nd set of lights onto padstow rd - keep on that road till u see maccers then turn right at those lights, the rest is in the first post. Hope that is if some help
  14. hella loud indeed listen for the cringing noise of a rooted rb box yeah thats probly a good idea. save 600 and get a new exedy heavy duty with it wait theres nothing wrong with my clutch
  15. Hey guys im after some info on hub assembilys for 32 gtrs im in the prosess of getting a 32 GTR shell (i mean bare shell) to be built up as a track only car, thing is it has no hubs or nething so getting it moved around is going to be a prob. so what id like to know is: 1. a bit of a list on all the parts needed to get a set of wheels on this project so i can move it easly. 2. an estamet on price for the bits. 3. a roung plan on how to put it togeather (a plan in english if possible ) any help would be much appreciated Cheers Dave
  16. got the same problem with my 20 box, replaced the main input bearing and guess what, did f@k all and cost me a 1000 bucks. just guna bite the bullet a buy a recently rebuilt box, just lucky its a 20 and not a 25 im after, save me a few dollars. still interisted to hear if anyone finds out what the problem actuly is with this.
  17. ill be there for sure BTW no one is aloud to laugh at my noisy gearbox!!!
  18. ill give ya 1000 and u can sell the plates to someone elss dave
  19. Doh forgot to add that its a 2 door im after, if it was a 2 door id bye it. sorry bud ill edit my post
  20. So Callum we will make it wednesday night at 730? give ppl time to finish work, get ready n all. and in the big carpark we talked about, import frendly, well lit. cant remember the street names but ill see if i can get a pic on whereis.com , circle it n post it up (the ns boys do that and it works well) Make it a meet and greet, put screen names to faces to cars n try get to know eachother talk crap n all. maby even go for a cruse after if we can all agree on somewhere to cruse to. oh and we dont want any illeagal activities going on so keep the drugs and burnouts at home peoples yay? nay?
  21. hey guys chasing an R32 2 door rolling shell to be built for track only use. so if anybody has/ knows of one let me know. would also prefer zero to minimal damage if possible. I am located in brisbane Qld so close to home would also be prefered. cheers dave
  22. hey guys have a mate lookin for a R32 2 door rolling shell to build himself a track only car. so if anybody knows of one or has one floating around let me know please. also would prefer zero or minimal damaged. cheers Dave
  23. Sounds like a sweet idea, count me in aye. So a meet then cruse after? cause thatd be mint. Wana make it Wednesday nights? cause nissan silvia have there tuesday nights, thursday friday saturday night the cops are out more than usual? set a date for for next week on wednesday night champ?
  24. got a 5 speed box? if u seprate ill buye the box providing it works well Cheers Dave
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