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Everything posted by ssshonky

  1. I would be checking the oil/ fluid levels in the car- I wonder if its just really slow to build oil pressure? have you changed engine oil lately? you sure your running the right viscosity??
  2. dale -soo true ! how the hell am I supposed to concentrate on suspension when I see that? just makes me think of bouncing .. and gleaming shafts
  3. I think Dale has an FSM - but its in japanese! you might be able to get hold of that and sweet talk into someone having a quick look at it ( preferably someone that can read japanese ! ) they should be able to read the table of contents- go to the right chapter and have a look around for you! I have noticed a few relays etc hanging behind the kick panels , not sure if thats them though !
  4. try " alans cv joint " in osborne park they did a good job on some CV joints I had before and yeah- go the splitfires
  5. well that makes no sense to me .. hopefully someone will tell is what the go is
  6. well I guess thats cause your spending less time on boost.. so the car is running more like an n/a most of the time
  7. I am not familiar with that turbo model sorry- but I gather its larger than the stock turbo ? when does it come on boost?
  8. you sure it doesnt have crazy lumpy cams in there? to me - and I will admit - I have not read your post in full detail - but sounds like a dirty throttle body or a gunky idle air control valve. if you put aircon on - does it settle down ? cause the AAC valve *aircon or auxilary air control ) should pump the idle up a bit to compensate for aircon compressor load
  9. that looks SICK! well done ! and woulda saved a HEAP of time I am going thru the epic stereo install from hell at the moment haha.. I am just worried I didnt give em enough wattage- 50w RMS all round - I have the Hertz 165's too - so hopefully that gives them enough power
  10. was just going to be SOOO much work putting all the trim back in - the door skins etc etc aanyhoo - I put my hand up for assisting in the next cruise for sure. does sound like I missed a good day- oh and the installs far from over- was still working on it at 10 last night - so its not some fabricated excuse not to come hhmm .. lets see .. driving around or contorting painfully under the dash - mmm .. lets see what wins. oh and TOP work getting some prizes donated by local shops.. thats always nice
  11. yeah - same thing can happen to steering racks ( in extreeme cases) perhaps a machine shop / fabricator would be a good bet? its going to be a bit hit and miss though - as your not really sure how much longer/shorter you will need them
  12. sorry we didnt make it the stereo install is just taking a LOT longer than I anticipated. I really dunno wtf is taking all the time to be honest !!! but I have run the cabling for the rear speakers thru the factory harness ( so you cant see another set of wires near the door hinges ) and yeah just stuff like that takes forever. ( HINT- get some whipper snipper cord -pass it thru the wiring harness - and tie the cable to it- pull back ) and all the running around we had to do on sunday ( picking up the power cable etc ) so all thats really left to do now is to get the seats back in ( only drivers in right now ) and connect all speakers to amp etc. I drove the stag into work today ( so I can piss off early and finish the install ) haha.. kinda funny driving a stagea buit for 1 ! so yeah hope you all had fun ! shame bout the weather ( I had to go fit some lightbulbs for mum and get the power cable so I did all that when it was raining )
  13. well to be honest I thought I would get in early as I dont gotz no intarweb at home nah.. i will just busta hump and I am sure I will get it done -weather permitting!
  14. hey guys - we *should* be there - but I am going to start the stereo install on the stagea , and depending on the progress I may or may not be there for the cruise. Obviously if the cars in a fit state to come along we will be there!
  15. sorry to hijack this - but if anyone wants some standard s2 stagea swaybars let me know! yours for nix - or a 6 pack if your feeling generous
  16. haa.. and boy do they get pissed off when you " read the traffic " better than they do a few smart lane changes and they are stuck waay back tailgating someone else fuming in anger haha
  17. yeh go the splitfires hey? least then you just replace them once and dont have to worry again for a long time..
  18. haha.. the anger in this thread is palpable! when I had my old pulsar it would pop and bang on decelleration ( sr20det conversion) that seemed to make a few people back off.. but my point is WHY should you have to do thhat to keep em off your ass!? and in regards to the guy saying how his tailgater left him alone and went to harass the next motorist in line- just sit back and enjoy the thought that its not going to be long before they either get beaten or end up in an accident.
  19. tailgaters sh1t me regardless of what car I am driving. I had this excellent idea - and how good would it be if you could build it. but basically a small pipe right at the back of your car that releases a really really foul smelling gas/liquid that would really stick to the tailgaters car- that would get them off pretty damned quick If its particularly bad tailgating ( and I am doing nothing wrong ) I will tap the brakes and give em a bit of a scare - this results in either them backing off or getting irrationally pissed off hhaha god I have seen some classic facial expressions in my rear view mirror. but I mean what does it actually acheive? on mountsbay road I saw this old and fcking huge F truck right up the arse of a small hatchback - I can tell you right now the hatchback would stop a LOT faster than some old F truck with ancient drum brakes hahah
  20. ummm do you want to be more specific about bullet proof? do you have any idea how much HP your aiming for? might help us make a decision
  21. have you checked the fluid levels in the transmission yet? that would be a good initial step! Fingers crossed you might just have to top it up and away you go? ( I always try to think positive ) so check that out and see what it looks like have you run your hands over the outside of the tyre to see if its got a bulge in it? I am just thinking that if it were a tyre out of balance then sometimes the vibrations " level out " when you go past a certain speed. a few things to check
  22. whats your air filter looking like? tried replacing it? a mate of mine had a really weird problem where the car was basically making no power. turned out the air filter was being sucked onto the intake pipe maybe thats it? also I know on the Stageas ( thats what I drive ) the intake pipe would " suck shut " basically implode on it self - thus causing problems. maybe it could be that ? I know its a bit of extra expense.. but why not stick it on a dyno and get em to do a few runs they connect all sorts of sensors in the dyno that might be able to tell you something you dont reckon its boost cut do you?
  23. yep thats the consult port in that last pic, I would dare say that they might have run RCA's on all of the cars and had them there incase you wanted a factory option later on down the track ? woudl make sense. $10 or so in RCA cables pre laid when the carpet goes down would save a LOT of time when installing a factory option
  24. sh1t dude ! bad news ! I was hoping to get on here and say" check the tyres for bubbles " and you would be like ZOMG thats it - and I would be like - huzzah - hooray for boobies- and that sort of cary on . maybe your gearbox / transfer case mounts are stuffed?
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