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Everything posted by ssshonky

  1. yeah I am using something kinda similar for my hi beams hey do you have any problems with the connectors to the bulbs getting very hot and melting? I notice in that link they are 100w so probably drawing more than the factory main beams would?
  2. what they did is .. basically where the HID bulb usually sit .. they provided a plate that supported the bulb ( so it didnt fall thru into the headlight ) and just wired them up that way. I then found out that the clips that were in there were still correct. well .. the taking the headlight apart was a total waste of time do you know when you have done something once.. its a major PITA .. and your thinking to yourself there is no WAY a compliance shop could afford this kind of time ! so I looked harder at it . and .. the wires that head into the connection that then screws onto the back of the HID bulb - all of the wires can be removed from the plug ( very neatly and easily! ) and all you do is slip the wiring behind the reflector and it pops out near where the bulb goes in. once I had done that I had the other headlight converted in around 10 mins! What I am looking for ( and cant find!! ) is there was a " how to " on converting your lights back to HID ,.. and I really need to know if the " secret to it all " was in the write up or if I have just invented a better way of doing it. ( but I bet my left nut that it was in the "how to" that I was too lazy to find )
  3. good to see we got that all sorted ! make love not war etc etc .. I must admit I am a bit disappointed that more Stagea drivers couldnt make it .. as it would have been really interesting to see how the different setups handled. Ie - Jippa has coil overs so he SHOULD out perform the rest.. bit fingers crossed that we might have a few additions to the car by then ! oh and PAYMENT MADE !!! she cant chicken out now!
  4. that looks SICK! and for under $500 its not too bad hey?
  5. hopefully the stagea will have the swaybars in etc.. so hopefully that will give it a bit of an edge!
  6. yeah hope you notice a difference if you do try them oh and regarding spares. you could just keep the ones you pull out when you change em and just keep them in case of an emergency.
  7. hey matey.. when you got your car complianced did they give you all the xenon stuff back ? cause if so ( now that I know ) its really easy to change but .. to address your question I found the Navra +50's to be EXCELLENT ! I ran em in my pulsar and the gf's car, and also my mums night vision is pretty bad and I installed some in her camry and she said she could really notice the difference.. so yeah.. you could do worse than stick some of those bulbs in your car. Not sure if they come in H1 format but pretty sure they should the +50s give you a slightly whiter light and supposedly 20m more throw.. so good for country driving. maybe change your hi beams over while your at it
  8. I think he mentioned it was a rb25de
  9. Ebay sell HEAPS of retro fit Xenon kits. basically comprises of a bulb that goes in to your existing headlight and a ballast to boost the voltage. Not sure on what brands are good etc. the bulbs I think you are talking about are not really Xenons but try to get a similar colour.
  10. so the factory ballasts/bulbs that came with factory are 4500K ? if so that will make it easier for me to colour match it so to speak
  11. ok .. so I have re-installed my xenons main beams, and wanted to get all the bulbs to match. So .. my question is basically " is it possible? " I went and got some Navra " arctic blue " parkers and Hi Beams ( HB3's ) but they were no where near the colour of the main beams. Now the Hi Beams wont worry me that much as we hardly ever use them, but the parkers varying in colour kinda annoy me. I noticed a Chrysler 300C on the way into work this morning and noticed that the fog/driving lamps lower down in the front bar were a different colour than the Xenon headlights. so maybe thats the way with a few cars out there? Obviously I have no idea of what the Stagea lights looked like before compliance. any comments anyone?
  12. ah HA! I am jsut about to start a topic on this!!! have a look in the stagea discussions for a thread relating to xenons and parkers and hi beams
  13. I dunno I had a look when I was there and didnt see anything obvious I *thought* I saw tthe back of a rivet ( that you might be able to drill out ) so maybe that would work let me know how you go as I wouldnt mind a set of " driving lamps"
  14. so it looks like lotty wont be the only woman going.
  15. funny you should mention this as I was looking to do the same thing as I had the front bar off over the weekend. the problem being is its not actually the bulb that is yellow its a lens so I think you might need to either remove the lens ( if there is a way ) or bash it out but one thing you may need to look at is - usually when they compliance the cars they cut the wiring loom leading to the fog lamps. its supposed to stop you from turning them on but its not hard to recreate the connectors etc as *at least in my case * the retaining clips etc were still there.
  16. please put down my GF as a starter - $75 yeah? man its a pisser about the helmet.. they never needed em in the past?
  17. just be aware that the DFA - whilst a good unit indeed can only do so much before the computer gets in there and starts adding/subracting timing ! that is why people couple it with those SITC units or just bite the bullet and go piggyback ecu
  18. I vote for locking the goat in the cargo compartment of a randomly selected club member if you dont make the goat yack your not trying hard enough aroudn the Course
  19. no no no .. you guys got it all wrong.. what we do is the 1st car to go around hte track is one of those big eff off trucks with a water tank on the back - you know the ones they use to spray water on a dirt road during construction to keep the dust down ! ooh sorry driving instructor person - I left the water on !
  20. I have been on one of these before , and am keen to go again .. I think most people would benifit from this .. and yeah I guess a lot of us are in the same boat (boom TISH ! ) with weight and traction etc.. but will still be good fun any time after the 4th of march is good for me .. the ONLY bummer with this is the laps are not timed so you cant really see how well you did in comparison - not that its a competition !
  21. if your sitting there with the motor started and the a/c off. . when you switch the Ac on does it bump the idle up a bit? if not your AAC valve might not be working 100%
  22. yeh I am going to surprise Lotty and let her do it .. should be fun ahah * sean rushes off to get an adj swaybar ASAP *
  23. i dont want to sound like a doubting thomas .. but.. even though the o2 sensor is brand spankers.. you never know if there might be a cable fault further down the line etc etc. Getting a consult cable is an excellent idea. then at least you can see it with your own 2 eyes I am also being hipocritial saying that as I myself have not gotten off my ass to connect my consult in yet come back and let us know what you found ok ?
  24. yeah same here hey.. its waaaaaaaaay out the faster you go .. at around 130 its miles out ! ( I measured this with a GPS too )
  25. we are currently scraping in at around 400k till the orange light comes on .. though due to being super povo and the price of fuel what it is now . the stag hardly ever gets a full tank
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