Need some advice people;
last night on my way home I was pulled over for a "random breath test", after I passed the breath test the cop starts looking over my car with a torch, then the other cop gets out the cop car and does the same.
This goes on for about 5 minutes after finding nothing the cop goes "we believe you were speeding I'm going to have to give you a fine.. at one point we THINK you reached 85, but most of the time it was 75 so we will do you for that"
So I told them how I wasnt speeding there must be a mistake I was checking my speedo the whole way, so I asked them where i was supposedly speeding. He just replies "further down the hill"
When I asked where specificly he ignoored my question and goes "I have nothing to gain from this, im going to have to write you a fine you can stay in your car"
I know 100% I was not speeding on my way home and they just pulled that out their arses because they couldnt do me for anything.
Whats the best way to handle this?
I know I am 100% in the right and I cant justify taking time off work and then paying a court fee to fight because some cop has to use me to fill his quota.