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Everything posted by Dohmar

  1. Steve, you're a moron Perhaps think before you post, or do some research. There are two factions inside a court room - A prosecution and a defence. If the prosecution doesn't make their case, you walk free. FACT. And yes, I have been in the court system, not that it makes me an authority - anyone with even half of a brain knows that you cannot get tried on heresay. The police make an allegation and then if they are convinced, they lay charges. The charges are heard in the court during what is called a preliminary hearing. If the charges are found to have merit, it progresses to court where the prosecution and defence both have to face a magistrate or judge. *shakes head* do you even have anything resembling a clue or do you just pull this stuff out of your arse at random? -D EDIT - Read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_innocence and please note the bit where it says "ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof rests on who asserts, not on who denies)"
  2. Stat dec the old fool and make him pay you war reparations for trauma -D
  4. Tom u mean? I agree. All politicians are subhuman scum. In an ideal world, they would be best utilized as non-polluting pop up targets for the military. -D
  5. Precisely. But that would still be the tip of the iceberg. When people start getting prosecuted for simply associating with a person (even if that 3rd party has a spotless record) it leads the door wide open to misuse/abuse. We see politicians misusing their power when they give themselves heinous pay rises, or when they use their electoral allowances on personal expenses (as has happened in the eastern states very recently). And now that they've passed legislation regarding criminal records, then they are giving themselves more rights than the common populace. If the newspapers wanted to check out the criminal records of any person here, they can do so (as evidenced by this bikie not having one). If a potential employer wants to do a background check based upon criminal record, they are free to do so. Why should the politicians have more rights than the very people who vote them in, pay taxes and inevitably are responsible for providing them with an income. An old adage springs to mind... "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" ... because when politicians (and in days of old, monarchs) gain personally at the expense of the population, civil unrest starts and eventually it festers like an open wound, turning in to revolution, anarchy, and ultimately civil war. Yes this is just a small piece of legislation but the implications for our democracy are massive and should not be dismissed by some kind of lynch mob mentality for the sake of convenience. -D
  6. I wont argue with the getting away with stuff, but one could argue that more enforcement is needed, not more laws. And yes, if you choose to join one of those clubs, you shouldn't expect too much help from the judiciary - my point is that every other bastard out there (you and I etc) has to as well with this law.... the problem is its arbitrary and up to political discretion, and so later on down the track they can be used to bring charges against people who havent, by spirit of law, commited any crime. Its the age old analogy of the little boy sticking his finger in a dyke (and im not talking about ellen degeneres)... If you let one law get passed which runs counter to our civil rights, then more will follow. It will be a trickle at first and then a flood, all from the same originating legislation. The law is flawed in this case. The idea of which the law was formed, is not. Yes, lets get rid of these buggers who extort, murder and import hard drugs, but not at the sake of our own freedom. Otherwise, if you really really want to get rid of them, then lets just arrest them, and have summary executions. I can guarantee you for all this law will cost, on a human/social scale as well as monetary, there will still be organized criminals, with the same nasty attitudes to society, and they won't be any less of a threat than the current gangs. Chest beating and tough talking rhetoric is great to win elections but it in reality solves nothing. -D
  7. He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. I'm no fan of the bikies, but these laws are stupid. They're horrendously ambiguous and are wide open to abuse. The erosion of our civil rights has been happening for some time now, but this is one of the worst legislations that have been passed. Transparency and openness have disappeared thanks to Mr Rann (such as the preventing of people in public life from having their criminal records scrutinized, ala Turbo Tom). The laws in NSW that have been passed are just as draconian. Even the NSW director of public prosecutions (long a thorn in the side of the NSW govt) has said that the laws passed re: bikies are "very troubling legislation that could lead to a police state and represent another giant leap backwards for human rights and the separation of powers - in short, the rule of law" He warns that the law "does not apply only to bikie gangs but 'to any particular organisation' in respect of which the Police Commissioner chooses to make an application."The spectre of a police state lurks here: an unacceptable slide from the separation of powers by linking the powers of the Police Commissioner with those of 'eligible' judges." (http://www.smh.com.au/national/bikie-laws-a-threat-to-rights-says-cowdery-20090515-b62e.html?page=-1) Its a damn shame that our hard earnt and won freedoms get eroded by the very generation that experienced the peace movements of the 60's as well has having lived through the nuclear threat of the 1950's and the subsequent cold war. Woe is a country like ours, so bereft of intellectual foresight from our 'leaders' that the elected government forsakes liberties that our soldiers have fought and died for over the last 150 years. If we start here, we may as well throw out everything from the Magna Carta, the Westminster government system, presumption of innocence, right to trial, due process, separation of politicians, the justice department and law enforcement. Yes, we're a long way off from becoming Nazi Germany, but to sacrifice our freedoms for such a trivial matter is nauseating. Sadly too many people are content to sit on their arses and watch Australian Idol rather than read a book and actually know about how and why we live in such a peaceful country, and the sacrifices that our ancestors made to get us here. I for one am amazed that you've applauded a Labor led initiative Andrew. There's hope for you yet! -D
  8. Its about 20 degrees maximum in the official transport SA guidelines but like craig said, they're more concerned about visibility and height - I've never had any issues with my plate, it went thru regency fine with the relocation kit and that has around a 10 degree angle -D
  9. Gepps Cross is the only one left isnt it? I always saw heaps of drive in's while driving across rural victoria... would be nice to know if there are any country drive ins out there in SA -D
  10. Blueline was the one at west beach... saw jurassic park there...was awesome -D
  11. Yeah that was the best drive in ever... the trees and hills would block out most of the light ... saw alien resurrection there, shit movie but was enjoyable while watching the flick under the stars on a blanket in front of the car -D
  12. You go to the local park, pitch a tent and start a campfire around the tent and teh bike and then dig a moat and then fill it full of single 12 year old mothers from salisbury trust me nobody is gonna wanna go near u - for fear of being stabbed by the 12 year olds -D
  13. there is BP but the Mobil is closer to me and runs a tad bit better than the BP stuff good to know steve. im going down now to get a tank -D
  14. only because theyre hardware accelerated - which is really only an issue when you're dealing with MAJOR bandwidth transactions (as steve alluded to) or if you're an anal FPS gamer who wants an extra 2 fps (and about a quarter of the ethernet latency - which means SFA unless you're LANning it up) i think there was a game company making hardware based cards, they were around teh $150 mark for gamer nuts... server cards will still set you back more IMHO you can't go past the realtek 8139 series if limited to 10/100.... really good driver support and dirt cheap ($7 or so) -D
  15. damn, i hope they dont shelve the mobil 98 octane... thats gonna poop on my parade (caltex dont sell any form of 98 here in SA but they do interstate - what gives? -D
  16. Hes on a boat (on a boat) Hes on a boat (on a boat) Take a good hard look at the mofo'in boat (mofoer!) -D
  17. I would. I hate it when people have a wonky eye, esp on chicks. Makes me wanna slap em and say "WTF are u looking at?" Oh and I think shes got less talent than a 3 kilogram bag of horse shit. At least the horse shit can fertilize the garden, all she does is rip of lyrics from other musicians and spends half of her songs talking because she can't sing for shit.... Yeah I'm mean, so what... -D
  18. +1 does everything have to be sexualized by the sexually repressed? -D EDIT : Would u prefer us to refer to it as a ding a ling, a ding dong, a doodle, a wing wang, a johnson or would u prefer clinically accurate terms such as phallus?
  19. Or, just ditch the 60mm afm's and upgrade to the 80mm z32's -D
  20. sure hope ur not the bloke who faps off in the middle of traffic while driving <:0 lex can tell u more about it haha -D
  21. Yeah, what professor ruebenstein said -D
  22. Don't think I'd want 275's but 265 or 255's on all 4 would be sweet just need 34 gtr rims :| that and a bucket of cash for new rubbers -D
  23. It doesnt filter anything. An air filter does that It just breaks up any turbulence that might have been induced by the shape of the tubing from the filter to the afm -D
  24. yeah if u wanna go faster, follow my dads advice "Eat Less Kebabs" Truer words ne'er spoken. -D
  25. the cure for a rick roll is a 20c bullet for the twat who posts it -D
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