I'm into hacking routers and doing funky stuff with them. I generally use DD-WRT
Its very feature rich and lets you amplify the transmit signal strength. I've had my linksys transmitting 250mw (up from the standard of 28mw) but now I keep it at the 100mw mark. The cpu (broadcom embedded) is also overclocked from stock 200mhz to 224 and is rock solid without any cooling. The router runs a copy of apache which I use to serve files and also a webpage with my shoutcast server on it (router has 32 megs of ram, more than enough)
Next router I get will be an N but it'll definately be one compatible with DD-WRT... great package that...
EDIT - Just did some looking around. The Linksys WRT350N looks to be like one hell of a nice router. 300mhz, 8 meg of flash, 32 megs ram, gigabit ethernet, hardware crypto for SSL and IPSEC, WPA2, N specification, USB 2.0 port for a HDD caddy or flash drive... you could have a lot of fun with it (or if you're bored, overclock it and run seti@home
EDIT2 - or just put a USB hdd on it and run a lightweight linux bittorrent client... ooh la-la
EDIT3 - This is the one I have http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_p...roducts_id=7263 except when I bought mine it was called the GS (linksys are really bad about changing product specs while keeping the same product name - so version numbers are important)... its a good solid unit. The broadcom chips are what u want, the vxworks wrt54's are all shite. And strike the first edit. The WRT610N is the shit - its not DD-WRT compatible YET but the hardware features are very nice, same as above but dual band (with 5ghz transmitter) and 64 megs of ram... you can run a mini-squid cache using the extra 32 gigs and save yourself a bit of bandwidth