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Everything posted by Dohmar

  1. I'm still pissed I didnt recieve a baby bonus. -D
  2. hows the driver situation for x64 these days? I installed x64 xp pro 4 years ago and was annoyed that a load of stuff didnt have drivers (and i have reasonably modern hardware).... i switched back to 32 bit 2 days later and havent touched it since, however i will be upgrading in a few months time and its worth thinking about -D
  3. Saw a white stag on kensington road intersection around 2:30 as I was travelling down portrush -D
  4. $950 coming my way. I think I'll spend it all on hats. -D
  5. At least in a space suit, you have a carbon filter... -D
  6. Thats a big call. You know naught about either of us. Mid life crisis has eaten more noobs than you've had hot dinners... Just remember kiddo, you're so wet behind the ears, the afterbirth is still dripping from your scalp. Wisdom = experience. The most dangerous thing in this world is an old person. They alone have survived long enough. They will out-think you. They have more experience than you. And they damn sure have a bogload more memories to compare the present against. I'm not old, but I'm old enough to listen to those I know, that know better than me. That said, My dick is bigger than yours nathan, and I'll cockslap you left and right n give u two black eyes and throw u into a cage of a bunch of horny female pandas. Pandas get really shitty when they dont get the lovin the deserve. -D
  7. it happens when theyre f**king pathetic and have nothing in life worthy of representing. -D
  8. Thing is nathy boy, I dont need to be on cruises. I got more than enough sensible people who will call you out as being a dickhead. Sure enough, what u do is your business, but if your business involves a copious amount of tool behaviour, dont expect the avg joe to enjoy it. The people I cruise with are on an invite only basis, and you can be sure they they have more pubes than you. And on that topic, I'd never pm you. I'd rather have this out in the open, to make an example of you, to show the more sensible children of this world how a rational human being acts towards those that shit upon the name of those who do the right thing. You'd never drive with girls like me, because girls like you belong in commodores and fords. Nuff said really. Acting is for auteurs. Do you know what an auteur is Nathan? -D
  9. How wonderful for you. One day, one of those benign neighbours you love to torment will leave a kilogram of thermite upon your hood and burn a hole the size of an orange right thru ur engine block. Oh hey and Im not saying I did it. I just would do it. -D
  10. A screamer is for a racing application. Its bullshit to compare apples and oranges. Its fair enough on a racetrack, where you actually DO hit those 8000rpm. When ur in the streets, if u hit 8000 rpm you're basically a prime dickhead. What sort of cockhead dumps fuel at night in a residential area? I'd say you, and you alone. You've f**ked with kellies cruises enough, disregarded her guidelines, and for what? To prove that ur dick is smaller than what an electron microscope can pick up? You're a tool. You shit on everyone who owns a skyline. Get a clue before someone imprints it on your skull with a piece of 2x4. Call me out Nathan. You've been dissed before by more than a few on these boards. When will you get the hint? Heros are zeros. You know where to find me. -Dohmar
  11. Cool. Remind yourself to not get pissed off when I tie a rope of firecrackers around your postbox at 4am. Or chuck a block of thermite on your rolla. Yeah. you'd think twice about burnination after that shit -D
  12. You have a point. Nobody on here is innocent. Nobody. Everyone on here has fanged their car at one stage or another. Even people in Toyota Priuses get some hellafied snake action when theyre on a downhill run. But I digress. I've broken the speed limits, on roads which have no signs, and there is not a policeman around for 200k. At the time I thought it was safe, but upon reflection, thinking about the trees that were whizzing past, I dont think it was a good idea at all. You screw up and hit a tree, you're dead. Gone. No debating. I dont do that anymore. Right now, Im saving to afford the bits n pieces to make my car worthy/reliable for track conditions in addition to the primary goal, which is the have the most fuel efficient street 32 GTR possible, while following all street legalities. I do NOT recommend going fast outside a track environment. I know we all do, and I know there are safety tolerances, unique to each vehicle but when I think about all the carnage on roads, the cost involved to repair even minor dings, as well as the attention from police, I just don't think its worth it. Anything can go wrong. Think about your life. When (and I DO mean when) we get a legit place to put the pedal to the metal, we will have safety, legality, qualified opponents based upon actual skill (ie not your avg bogan in an SS) and it'll be a more enjoyable, safe outlet for all. And to address the main quote, about getting away ; You can run, but you can't hide. There are loads of cameras on the roads, and where there aren't cameras, there are angry drivers taking pictures of dick-headedness (if thats not a word I want it added to the dictionary). You can be a douche, but sooner or later, it will catch up with u. -D
  13. I have to agree with guy. Even tho this is >S<au, theres no reason why u cant make it a nissan performance vehicle stand hell you could even have 4wd if they werent toyotas (sorry matty)... its like me trying to get a display for GTR's only. Badges dont make the car great; loads of skylines that aint gtr's that kick arse over mine. its more so what the owner decides to do with the vehicle. And thats why an NA 34 can win shitloads of awards, because the owner knows how to give the car a hellified pair of boobs n booty Skylines, Silvias, Soarers, Rexs, Stags.... theyre all good platforms. Show some love baby! -D
  14. sorry. bee'r rev limiters are f**king gay there is nothing 'cool' about making bangs from detonating petrol. if you want some bang, i'll chuck two pieces of c4 in a directional shaped charge around the main support strut of your house, facing each other, and blow the f**ker down with under a kilo of plastique. bangs for the sake of a highly tuned, hi octane engine are hot because of the engineering and tweaking that goes behind it. any daft fool can tune an ecu to spit fuel into the exhaust manifold. and you always used to chuck that shit around residential areas. as someone whos been shot at before, i really dont see the humor in that. one day son, we are going to meet. -D
  15. And I say goddamn right! Having an accident is one thing. Misleading the very firms that exist to protect your sorry ass, is f**king low. If you screw up, at least have the nads to face it and pay the premiums. I wrote off a 31 ages ago and that was after crashing the same car while drink driving and dangerous driving. it cost my bottom line $8k, which was at the time 1/4 of my yearly salary. I never claimed on insurance and it taught me a couple of harsh lessons that I needed to know. Car was worth $12k, I only got $4k back from policy because I was young, stupid and didnt declare the money I'd spent on it (and hence they didnt adjust the rate and therefore the cover). Not everyones as stupid as me. Some are even dumber tho, and end up getting their parents as the 'primary driver' in order to save a few quid. Sorry to say that if Pete finds you being a fraud on your claims, you get done and sometimesgo to prison, on top of a hefty fine. I pay $1.5k a year insurance comprehensive for the sake of coverage. They got all my history, my driving record, the mods done to the car as well as an agreed value. I don't think anyone can ask more. I know there are always going to be people (like me) who think nothing can happen. Believe me people, Murphys law was created for you very folk. Whatever can go wrong, WILL go wrong. Unless you're a smart bugger and u plan for all scenarios. Contingency is WIN. -D
  16. as soon as i get my tax return (i lodged it late) i'll be paying off a 33gtr box i'll be fitting to my 32. my old one will be available then. gears are good, synchros are f**ked. pm me for more info -D
  17. Kietz is a sandwich short of a full picnic basket... -D
  18. Ahaha tea totaller. win... -D
  19. Dunno about 20/20, one dayers are >more< interesting to watch than test matches, but its still pretty bloody dull... and playing cricket in australian weather? 40+ ? Forgeddddit, you couldn't force me to be a spectator in those conditions, let alone a player... soccer, while boring as hell to watch (not least for the pansies that roll over clutching their legs and then taking a free kick without any visible physical discomfort) is actually pretty fun to play... afl, while its far far too athletic for a portly bloke like myself, can change at any given time and generally has more goals/points scored often than the single goal in soccer, or the occasional 6 hit in cricket. Don't get me wrong. When the guys smash the ball and start running, it becomes interesting. But how many overs do u generally have to go thru before someone hits a screamer? -D
  20. Decades? I guess you dont remember the 80s when the West Indies would rip the nads off the Australians repeatedly... and ya certainly can't claim it to be 'OUR' game when the indians are dominating the game from the admin level upwards... Paint drying or cricket. At least with paint drying u get to kick back and admire the handiwork -D
  21. But its an >ENGLISH< game. Give me Aussie Rules Football for a slice of dinkum australiana -D
  22. cricket? exciting? cmon man, we're not that stupid... grass growing, paint drying, lawn bowls, all of these are more exciting than cricket.... -D
  23. im gonna have to invest in a decent dual pipe system, individual pipe with hiflow cat from each turbo... 2x turbo -> dump pipe -> hiflow cat -> resonator -> junBL muffler should sound decent methinks. can use smaller piping if theyre parallel so that means i got more ground clearance -D
  24. One thing I will add, my car has been popping heaps more flames over the last week than usual... perhaps the heat is affecting it, but i blew some doozies this evening -D
  25. but theres also the 16-22 year olds that whinge on for ages after getting defected (for a legit defect) Fun stuff -D
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