Was with medibank for 2 years, paying around $130 for complete cover. Come time that I need a septoplasty to fix a broken nose (from pre-cover times, but undiagnosed), they say I hadn't been a member long enough to get cover on pre-existing conditions. Operation cost me $4500 out of pocket because of them being anal.
Its worth having if you have kids, if theres two of you, if you're into taking risks, or if you have enough cash to pump in, on the odd occasion u might get a $10k med bill.... it's helped a couple of my siblings on occasions, but I ended up cancelling mine. I saw it as a waste of money considering I lead a pretty sedentiary life. If I get a payrise at work, I'd consider renewing, but it sure as hell wouldn't be with medibank. Just add up the costs... $130 a month over 2 years is over $3k.... if I hadnt put the money into the fund, I wouldnt have been as burnt when it came time to get the septoplasty...
True enough, it was my own fault for not reading the fine print, but for that sort of money and the definition 'comprehensive', one would easily think that it covers any hospitals from that point onwards.... or maybe not? *shrug* If you're on a low income tho, dont even bother with private health cover...