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Everything posted by Dohmar

  1. Laws in the eastern states are more relaxed than SA's. We have the most anal laws in the country here. Well aside from Victoria, where it is illegal to wear hot pink shorts after midday on a Sunday... -D
  2. Its the same uninformed mentality that makes people say that criminalizing drugs is going to make the problem go away. Without getting too off topic, people have taken drugs for the last 10,000 years (documented proof available) and no laws are going to change that anytime soon. Same goes with anything that is illegal. You can never have 100% compliance with the law, its a statistical fact, as there are always those statistical outliers that do not comply, whether due to ignorance or deliberate disrespect for law/society. Theres the saying of "What came first, the chicken or the egg?".... there always has been, always will be, illegal street racing. But by getting a legal venue, you remove a proportion of drag racers off the streets and onto a safe venue (safe for spectators, the public and the drivers). It also gives the illegal drag racers one less excuse when they front the magistrates (not that it makes much difference, the magistrates are always going to throw the book at car hoons) Don't mind Nick Xenophon. Ever since he got poojabbed by his mate Ann Bressington he's been wanting to appear tough. This is just another ill informed politician spouting off at the mouth. *yawn* The day he actually gets more water into the murray river, i'll drop my trousers and dance the hula. -D
  3. And this is where intimidation/ignorance of due process ends up getting people screwed.. Police will only step it up if you are rude or aggressive. If you're polite and informed, they will follow procedure by the book. Cops hate doing paperwork, and whenever something anomalous happens, they have to fill out twice as much. Im not saying argue with them, but if you know for a fact that something is inaccurate, its your right to tell them so. Politely. Police enforce the law, that is written legislation, with very specific black and white guidelines. Thats why having the engi/compliance papers in the car doesnt hurt. They don't make it up as they go. At least not the good guys. -D
  4. "OMGWTF" -D
  5. "leet 32" -D
  6. That is harrassment. It is a tool to intimidate the culpable into doing something that incriminates them. You know what I'd do in that situation? I'd go buy two thickshakes and take it over to their car and wish them a nice evening. You have NO idea how a simple act of kindness can a) piss off someone whos trying to job ya and b) prevent the police from reporting you as you approached them first. -D
  7. Spotted a nice black R31 yesterday morning. Was the most awesome looking R31 i'd ever seen, 2 door, tinted, ALL black (no chrome trims).. kudos to the owner if ur on here Also saw a black 32 behind me on the way home from work, gave a wave out the drivers side window but dunno if they saw me. they turned right after a while either way (was a GTS-T, if ur on here, hi!) -D
  8. I totally agree!, the cop had NO idea. Intercoolers come with the car upon factory design, therefore they can be allowed providing that as stated, they dont interfere with the structure or safety. and since the car is a turbo, it comes with a wastegate standard, they can only defect you if your wastegate/bov is NOT plumbed back (venting to atmosphere, like the loud PSSSSHHHH bovs). Airpods ARE legal provided they are secured to the bodywork and not flapping around free, and Boost controllers are easy to see but if you've hidden them, only regency will spot them, not the cops. If you have a turbo timer, well that IS a defect (as is the boost controller) but most of the time they dont know what to look for. its the defect stations that usually appoint cops in the know.. now as far as the priors, u dont have to go chat to any cop if u dont want to. they can arrest you or they can ask for your co-operation. also, mcdonalds is private property, they have no business in approaching any vehicle on private property. if a police officer pulls you aside, be polite, and forthcoming so you pass the attitude test. as soon as they start giving you shit, ask for their SAPOL number and note down their rank and name. Getting a number off the squad cars can also help if you suspect the police are being dodgy. If your car is being defected for items that you know are undefectable, you are allowed to caution the officer that he/she is not following procedure and is defecting for offences that are not defectable. They do not know either way, as ALL cars have different compliance status (in the case of r32, SIEVS vs RAWS, there is a BIG difference). If the officer points something out that you know to be incorrect, then you should correct them. If the officer in question is picking on you for whatever reason (including for the simple fact of driving a skyline) or they try to defect you for undefectable items, it is your right and duty to file a complaint. Most cops are good guys just trying to do their job, which is keep the community safe. Its a broad term and one that deserves respect, however there are some bad seeds out there. And one bad apple spoils the whole damn bunch, and usually they get away due to intimidation. Never forget that the police are there to serve you, and you should not let yourself get intimidated. Know your rights, that way you'll appreciate the good cops from the bad cops. Simply put, if you remain polite, and yet firm and appear educated about the subject, they have no got a leg to stand on. I have the engineering regulations for SIEVS printed out in my glovebox, and the day I get any grief, I'll have the book to go by. They cant argue with printed, legitimate legislation, and the threat of a formal investigation can sometimes make them back off when they have been too aggressive. If you have an mp3 player, it can help to record your conversation discreetly. As police are in the public service, everything they say and do is on public record by default, and so you cannot be charged with illegal recording. Hope this helps -D **edit For what its worth, I wouldnt have paid the ticket either. I would have elected to be prosecuted in the magistrates court; it costs the cops much more money, makes them spend a hell of a lot more time doing paperwork, and the prosecuting sergeant would most likely get castigated by the Magistrate. If you elect to prosecute, they mostly drop charges, unless they can prove as a fact you've been a dick, somehow **edit 2 for what its worth, I got pulled over last month off northeast road, cop asked for my licence and I gave it to him... it was expired for a week (and i knew it was) but since i gave it to him all blase like and acted ignorant, when he said 'did you know ur licence is expired' i went "WHAAAA?" and looked at it and said "shit" quietly a couple times under my breath... and he said "im gonna let u go but you better get this registered within the week otherwise Im giving u a $300 fine" and when I asked if I needed to report in he said "No, as I have your rego and can check" which is fair enough. That's my example of a good cop. Will pull you over and check u out, and let u off for a minor offence if you're being a nice guy. It works both ways IMHO
  9. The day I see a P-plater in a high KW car NOT act like a dickhead, I'll eat my sombrero.m With jalapeno's. And no, not all of them are, but seriously, if ur in a 'line, and theres another 'line behind ya, do u really need to yank ya chain that much? I have no problems with people getting throttle-heavy, just dont do it on public roads, or around me. Cause if the bacon saw 2 lines, and one was being a tit, then they'd have no problems labelling it as a street race, regardless of how sensible the second is. I get pulled over enuff as it is, don't want some twit fresh off the teat giving us a bad image... <end rant> It's all fun n games till someone looses their ride/life/liver. -D *edit And yeah, not ALL p-platers are dickheads. I wrote a skyline off once before, a HR31 and I was on a full licence. So there ya go. But still, seriously, do you WANT to wear a "kick me sign", let alone get it tattooed on yr forehead ? And anyone doin 80 kliks in peak hour traffic, is a major twat. Let alone those who overtake on the inside of trucks without indicating. dont defend the indefensible.
  10. White GTR outside of Park, thats me. going home from work between 5:30 and 6 U must work close to mine, cause my work is only a couple hundred metres from main north road.. -D
  11. saw slo-032 getting dynoed at road and track today saw a young bloke in a HR30 (i think) give me a wave as he overtook me on the inside of ascot ave/portrush road. dude was driving like a p-plater, speeding, changing lanes, overtaking on the inside etc. not cool dude -D
  12. Spotted P plater in black 32 turning into North East road. Tried to be a hero and floored it and lost traction but recovered. Clap clap buddy, I'm soooo impressed.. -D
  13. in his mums car no less http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0...ml?from=mostpop -D
  14. Talk to Andrew at Goodyear Autocare, 215 North East Road hampstead gardens 82612811. he does a good job -d
  15. Some of them (like mine) leak residue (a very minute amount) and it can gum up the AFM's... thats the only problem ive encountered with em, but its easily solved by cleaning the afm contact plates and the interior tubing. Its doesnt happen all the time, usually only happens when you get overzealous with the filter oil, or use the wrong filter oil... Had a rampod tho on my old r31 and that suffered from heinous residue problems. For my money the pods are structured a little more forgiving for turbos
  16. Its doubtful they did anything wrong. I mean the cars pretty old right, when was the last time u changed all the gaskets and seals? Leaks happen, for the most part theyre no big deal. They dont happen often on skylines, so when they do leak its generally symptomatic of a larger problem or just a weak bolt that needs tightening.. Unless u get the car on a gantry and have a good squizzie underneath it, you're probably not gonna see much. What u can do tho, is get some degreaser and clean all the areas that have oil/residue on them, It'll make it heaps easier to spot the actual leak when it happens again.. Until a mechanic looks at it, I wouldn't worry. I had 3 simultaneous leaks and two were fixed by just tightening bolts and the last one was a cv seal on the front diff that needed replacing. Too easy -D
  17. Hehhe..oh now I so want to see yr bike towing the caravan > Howzat for ultimate freedom? Kick ass -D
  18. How fast does the caravan do quarter miles? -D
  19. i've had a few leaks like that, it doesnt look like a huge amount but def worth checking out. front of car can either be a seal on the front diff or a gasket on the engine. had the same sorta leak on the rear, just needed diff tightened as gasket was ok. -D
  20. My mechanic says that when cold, the gauge will reflect twice the relative value of engine rev. aka 2k rev = 4k oil pressure, 4k rev= 8k pressure... oil pressure being kilogram per cm^2. aka 4kg per centimetre ^2 = normal for 2000 revs.... course, this depends totally on ur oil, the gauge and the position of the sensor. seriously if u got a gauge like that, it means stuff all without taking into consideration the oil, the oil temp and how old the oil is, how much you've warmed yr baby up etc.... And engines aint engines... cars always feel sluggish for at least 10 minutes as the ECU purposely restricts the ratio. even when u floor the accelerator, the ecu will limit the fuel/air... thats its job.course u can override it, but is it wise? Best to let it at least warm up for 15 mins before even cranking it over 6k. Thats my opinion anyhow, tho im no mechanic. But im superstitious and sometimes when I fang the car and nurse it, it comes to me, it comes to me in my dreams and says "Oh u PIMP, i LOVE u, pls for to be pimpin me some more" ... And so I do -D
  21. *scottish voice* "Ahv gotta problem with mah Boganmobile..... BOGAN Mobile?"
  22. Apologies all, I probably wont be able to make it, working late tonite -D
  23. I bought a set for the GTR from the group buy, theyre very very nice... two thumbs up -D
  24. I second this, I'd love a disc with some ecu/hicas/attessa diag softwares -D
  25. Dohmar


    I currently have a set of Toyo T1-R's (225/50/16 on stock GTR rims) and theyve been great, will be replacing the fronts next week with Goodyear Eagle F1's as the inside of the fronts has worn bare (too much toe in?, don't ever trust yr GTR with Bob Jane's is all I can say) Cost around $188 ea apparently, so I hope they'll be ok... will get the rears done later... they seem to be highly rated by wheels magazine... will be getting em done at Goodyear on Northeast Road, Hampstead Gdns... -D
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