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Everything posted by Dohmar

  1. I woulda gone apeshit at them. friggin bogans reckon they can park anywhere they want take pics yo -D
  2. definately not hide it tho its just a button and a control knob -D
  3. turn the power supply to the house off then turn tap off -D
  4. ok thats dangerous. I suggest you call out an electrician ASAP cause theres something not right somewhere -D
  5. like not even worth the material its printed on lawls -D
  6. My guess is mucus. Real thick stuff like hes got a flu -D
  7. thats so true. 12pm is the curfew for most noise, and I believe private parties are able to continue to 3am in most suburbs depending on noise levels of course if this was to go ahead, id be seriously considering investing in some kind of small business like a cafe/car wash venue.... could even have a bunch of simple 8x4 portable rooms leased out to the assorted car clubs across sa, ie the evo grp, hsv, sausa, supra grp, porsche club etc would be an excellent alternative to renting out private property around the suburbs -D
  8. even if they had just a petrol station/ cafe-restaurant-diner / car wash / car park it'd be an ideal place for people to meet provided the law respects the venue for what it is and doesnt simply use it as a cash net - this is dependant on what mister premier says too thing is, you get the stuff that people want to have around for their cars ie petrol, a place for them to clean it, catch a bite, maybe even put in self serve garages with hoists similar to the rentable garages at lala... possibilities are endless -D
  9. Creme Brulee of Lobster with sturgeon caviar and crepes -D
  10. for sure, they have to have some kind of regular weekly events to justify the cost being spent on it - whats a speedway's use when its closed? bugger all eh, as we've found out since AIR closed... they'll have to have some kinda schedule, keep the noisiest events for the daytime or during the weekends and then have general stuff like grip/drift prac during week nights - Im sure many people here would be weekly participants -D
  11. Personally I'd like to see the event be open every Friday and Saturday night, since those are the two days you really want to let off steam and go party - would be good if they were able to build a petrol station right outside the venue too, with e85, methanol, lpg, 98 oct, diesel, nos etc etc -D
  12. I love lamp! -D
  13. ahaha gold -D
  14. I'm a bastard eh -D
  15. i reckon eh. funny thing is people always bag the asian drivers but they seem to be the ones who know how to drift better than anyone else back to stereotype fun i reckon we should scrap our order of M1A1 Abrams Main battle tanks and just buy a shitload of Toyota Prados and get our asian women to drive them into iraq and afghanistan, the locals would not stand a chance... > *running, ducking and laughing* -D
  16. I know. I love perpetuating incorrect stereotypes If she was in a 4WD then I'd be expecting nuclear holocaust -D
  17. Yep that sounds about right <|;D -D
  18. yep. unscrew with i think 11mm socket iirc -D
  19. talent and skill have no right being in the same sentence as guitar hero what he was playing (either pettrucci or malmstein) is almost >impossible< to play on a real guitar.... and anyone who can even do a poor cover generally gets credit, as those two guys are insane... and luke, what about joey jordison from slipknot? one hell of a drummer right there -D
  20. Well said. I'd imagine that Friday and Saturday nights will be especially popular for regular events like drags, drifts and motorkhana practice. My only concern would be the noise level at night, since noise travels further.. mainly because I used to be able to hear F1 cars at my house during the time we had the GP (which tbh I quite liked) but that was in the day time - I'm not sure how loud a top fueller is compared to F1 MFP - thats a load of jargon I haven't heard in a long time... what a success it must have been I suppose since I'm in the Port Adelaide Enfield Council I should start hassling the local elected member to try and get this shizzl moving -D
  21. Change to a stock ecu. HICAS won't talk to consult when theres a non standard ecu iirc -D
  22. hahah. wrongness -D
  23. couldnt agree more - if it wasnt for the ass whupping he'd still be rannting about hoons gilman, if it passes, will be a nice place to go to, however I'm wondering just how much of the noise from an ANDRA top fuel dragster is going to make and how much it'll travel across the water to the residential areas - my guess is not a huge amount, esp if there are decent sound insulating walls and big grandstands to cut down on it.... my fear is they'll do a simple noise test without any baffling to simulate objects and it'll carry directly across the port river into the housing.. still, credit where credits due, gotta applaud the man for listening (as much as I too wont be voting for him next time) -D
  24. was wondering who was in his passenger seat, you certainly don't look like andrews wife ;P -D
  25. spotted the nightcrawler on OG road going across north east road. heard the beep n gave the thumbs up -D
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