and i wont argue with u on the technicality - you find the right partner, whether ur a chick or a dude, you can have a good relationship if both parties agree to negotiate - however my point stands, once u been in a couple relationships it surely doesnt hurt to have a couple years 'off' or at least do yr own thing while looking for the next opportunity objectively, as in sitting back and looking at the bigger picture - and if you arent pressuring urself, and are happy doing ur own thing, then why not avoid the rigamarole of the dating game - society seems to think that everyone needs another part to keep em stable or sane.... pretty shallow imho
and it goes against common sense too.... the world is overpopulated and the churches/mosques/temples want us to be fruitful and in principle, but unless a society has the discipline to regulate a 1 child policy (like china) then nobody has the right to wantonly procreate when the resources are scarce. I think of the 'octomom' and say shes a perfect example of procreation gone wrong....
Human beings are a virus with shoes - people love to pretend we're evolved, but when you get down to it, there are species of bacteria with a more sophisticated social structure.