As an owner of 3 Emos previously (6, 7 & an 8) and now have an R33 GTR I'd say go the GTR! But... and it's a big butt:
You need deep pockets to run a GTR as they have huge weight & power & that equals many sets of tyres & brakes. Plus they arent cheap to fix/maintain full stop.
The Evo's only ever lasted 6 months & I got bored. the 6 speed gearbox made the 8 so much better than the 6 & 7 I had but the handling was still 1 dimensional & boring on a track. However, on the road the Evos are more playful & more fun for it than the GTR by miles! The GTR feels too big & slow to respond...
Not sure I've helped here...
My work is done.