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  • Birthday 16/10/1981

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    Racepace worked R33 GTR

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  1. What size rotors are required to complete the rear kit? And GTR or gtst?
  2. Very cool! What rear diffuser?
  3. Good read. So when are you doing the rear Alpha Omega BBK using the Evo rear Calipers & a Nissan 370Z rotor?!?! :)
  4. PS good luck with the sale. Looks nuts on a GTR!
  5. Hey mate, off topic maybe but how did you find the NT-01s & what have you run to compare them against?
  6. This awesome photo was captured by Christopher of www.P1racephotography.com.au at Sandown (entry into Turn 1) on the weekend... Needless to say the rotors are due for replacement - in fairness to the Ksport items they have endured about 15 track days and 2 and a half sets of DS3000 pads. In 4 years I'll only be onto my 3rd set of rotors. Not bad at all for budget rotors...
  7. Bump. Hardcore Racepace Motorsport modified Tein RAs suitable for track / road use. $2k.
  8. As an owner of 3 Emos previously (6, 7 & an 8) and now have an R33 GTR I'd say go the GTR! But... and it's a big butt: You need deep pockets to run a GTR as they have huge weight & power & that equals many sets of tyres & brakes. Plus they arent cheap to fix/maintain full stop. The Evo's only ever lasted 6 months & I got bored. the 6 speed gearbox made the 8 so much better than the 6 & 7 I had but the handling was still 1 dimensional & boring on a track. However, on the road the Evos are more playful & more fun for it than the GTR by miles! The GTR feels too big & slow to respond... Not sure I've helped here... My work is done.
  9. I just got a set of AD08Rs in 285/30R18s for the R33 GTR from Traction too. In fact probably my 3rd set of tyres from there... The AD08 was good so looking forward to trying these out... however I did run Hankook Z221s are they were amazing... for 2 track days then they went downhill.
  10. Sadly NOT sold. Back up for sale
  11. Awesome turbo with mad response! My brother ran this turbo a few years ago. Good luck with the sell - or get it rebuilt & slap it on man!
  12. SOLD... awaiting payment.
  13. And what spring rates are the BCs? i run F10 / R 7 kg/mm (not the standard 8/6 as that's too soft) but I've got a GTR... John Richo runs 10 / 7 kg/mm too & he's proper fast!
  14. This thing is really coming along! I'd be interested to hear your feed back on the Nittos. However, this might not happend until you're tried the AD08Rs
  15. Look exactly like my Ksports Great piece of kit for the money - anyone looking to do track work in a GTR will NEED these! AP5555 pads fit so loads of upgrade pad options. Good luck with the sale!
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